Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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I am on call at the moment so if I dissapear for periods it is not out of any disrespect or trying to google an answer. I have enough knowledge to be able to debate this without google. I would like to get from the roots and then perhaps we could debate Hamas and what their role is and how they are continuing ethnic cleansing.
And it all depends on when you discern the difference between 'Jew' and 'Israelite' began. Or the religious differences between the Canaanites and Israelites, contributing to the split between their two cultures. It's complicated. F.Boy thinks Israel was there first. He's incorrect to do so, but refuses to accept it.

I thought it was all very much disputed. But I am certainly not claiming to be an expert!
I thought it was all very much disputed. But I am certainly not claiming to be an expert!
The very first settlers were simply all Arabs, there was no palestinians or even a Palestine. This was all established throughout History. Jews and Arabs all lived side by side.
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That's a reductive argument and fails to take the impact of religious development into account; particularly after the Israelites were taken in captivity to Babylon. The first settlers can't really be called 'Arabs', either, as no such people claimed that title in prehistory which was conferred on them by rival kingdoms. The claim on the land of Israel is almost impossible to ascertain without further reference to archological remains, which the modern israel is busy digging up to prove their claim is supercedes the Palestinian. What we do know is the land around modern Gaza was claimed by the Philistines and their hold on the region has been concurrent throughout history. It is their homeland.
The west bank is a different argument as the ancient title of Judea grants their claim legitimacy but you'll have to pick a period of time to suit their agument for when it becomes relevant to their claim to the whole realm of 'Israel', which never had any political cohesion or stability. The nearest i could come up with is a division along the 32nd parallel between Israel in the north and Judah in the south. The tribes of Benjamin and Judah are now locked in a death struggle with the followers of Baal for supremacy, to give things a Biblical twist in the modern era. They take their history quite seriously.
I tried to get in touch with the Israeli embassy but they put me on hold about a year ago and haven't answered yet. That bloody tambourine tune's driving me nuts.
I think the best way to get to grips with what is happening now in Gaza is to hear it from hamas themselves as they are the ones who are still fighting a biblical war and the best person to hear this from is from Mosab Hassan Yousef. He is probably the foremost expert in this field and knows hamas inside and out. He can explain the whole history of "Palestine" which is probably better than hearing my ramblings, as I am sure people on here will call me a troll for not acknowledging the existence of "Palestine". You cannot get off the hook so easily with Mosab though. There is no such state or people as a "Palestinian"
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I could always go look at his ramblings on 'X': “if [he had] to choose between 1.6 billion Muslims and a cow, [he would] choose the cow.”

Defected to israel and has clearly been brainwashed. And if he's going to say things like "Israel is God's plan", then the irish may as well claim it's their land because the leprechauns said so.

If you want to get into the notion that there's no such thing as a Palestinian then by that same logic there's no such thing as an Englishman and we all vanish in a puff of logic...which would be a shame as i'm looking forward to the rugby today.
I could always go look at his ramblings on 'X': “if [he had] to choose between 1.6 billion Muslims and a cow, [he would] choose the cow.”

Defected to israel and has clearly been brainwashed. And if he's going to say things like "Israel is God's plan", then the irish may as well claim it's their land because the leprechauns said so.

If you want to get into the notion that there's no such thing as a Palestinian then by that same logic there's no such thing as an Englishman and we all vanish in a puff of smoke...which would be a shame as i'm looking forward to the rugby today.
Oh dear
OMG so he is brainwashed and is simply ranting. The man works with intelligence agencies the world over, he has credible references and he grew up and lived in Gaza as well as his father was the founder of hamas.
OMG so he is brainwashed and is simply ranting. The man works with intelligence agencies the world over, he has credible references and he grew up and lived in Gaza as well as his father was the founder of hamas.
It dents his credibility to come out with that kind of nonsense on 'X'.
"No such thing as Palestinians."
It is true though in a biblical sense
you're splitting hairs. When Israel conquered Canaan they wrote them out of the Bible and proceeded to demonise their culture in the same way Rome persecuted Carthage. The IDF even 'salted the earth' when they invaded Gaza.
you're splitting hairs. When Israel conquered Canaan they wrote them out of the Bible and proceeded to demonise their culture in the same way Rome persecuted Carthage. The IDF even 'salted the earth' when they invaded Gaza.
Not splitting hairs at all. What and who are the Palestinians? Where did they come from? What is their history?
OMG so he is brainwashed and is simply ranting. The man works with intelligence agencies the world over, he has credible references and he grew up and lived in Gaza as well as his father was the founder of hamas.

I had never heard of him before. But I don't think it is sensible to put so much store in one man's opinion, which might be coloured by grievance or the zealotry of the convert.
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