Zion and the Art of Armageddon

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Yes, and no.
Footage of armed Palestinian(s) shooting in the vicinity of armed Palestinians about an hour before the entrance of humanitarian aid, March 14, 2024. (IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
Filly has no objection to Palestinians being shot, so what is his point?

Is it that the Israeli army killing Palestinian policemen and destroying civil society has triggered disorder among starving people.e?
Footage of armed Palestinian(s) shooting in the vicinity of armed Palestinians about an hour before the entrance of humanitarian aid, March 14, 2024. (IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)

So they started early.
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So they started early.
I find the slow motion bullets in the video rather odd. Also people moving after being shot and then the abrupt end of the clip. The title under the video is also strange. Where are these other armed Palestinians?

In short the clip does not verify anything at all.

Where is the clip of the actual event? Given history I would have thought there would have been a drone around at that point.
The Israeli army has admitted mistaking a bicycle for a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, in the killing of two Palestinians in Gaza. in a video of the attack, the Israeli military labelled the bike as an RPG.

Seems to me the IDF all need to go to Specsavers.
Sounds like a bigger kill overnight. Multi story building in Gaza city and a couple of houses near refugee camps. One family wiped out and the 7 story building flattened with a number of people in it.

The Israeli war cabinet has approved the plans for attacking Rafar. I assume this includes evacuation. Benjamin's view. No problems with US while his war has wide spread support by it's population. Senator talk suggest the end the war people there are mostly amongst the young. ;) People less contaminated by life.

Majorities of young adults (53%) and Democrats (57%) believe the U.S. should put more pressure on the Israelis, while about half as many in each group -- 27% and 24%, respectively -- think the U.S. should pressure the Palestinians more.

Middle-aged adults and independents are divided evenly between wanting to put more pressure on the Israelis (37% for both groups) and the Palestinians (37% of 35- to 54-year-olds and 34% of independents).

By 64% to 14%, Republicans think the U.S. should pressure the Palestinians more than the Israelis. Older Americans are also more inclined to want the U.S. to put more pressure on the Israelis (49%) than the Palestinians (27%).

Young 18 to 34 and a number of different questions asked on the link but thought this one was most significant. LOL Maybe because when i was ~30 I noticed that a lot of older people had rather fixed views on all sorts of things.
AlJ decided to have a program on Armageddon and the 2nd Coming etc. Interesting - Trump in White House bible classes. Seems to be a general thing with ~50 senators also attending. Evangelicals. Declining in number a bit over the years but still about 24% of the population. A lot of votes. They appear to see Israel and the chosen people extremely important even as the place of the 2nd coming. All will be ok when that happens etc. There are several large groupings and a tiny hells angle type lot looking forwards to joining Jesus's army which of course he will lead.

Blinken and the US view. A lot clearer. Rafar attack ok providing people are evacuated and also receive sufficient support. The support aspect being extremely important. He has currently not seen any such plan.
Due to the change in attacks AlJ has come up with a new way of listing deaths. 9 families wiped out in the usual period they use.

13 aid trucks made there way north without any incidents. Crowd shown waiting for distribution. This is a first so may be trying another load today. So something has changed.

Much bigger crowd in Israel calling for Benjamin to resign. He's already said he wont.

Israel is attending talks but Benjamin has said the evacuation and attack on Rafar will be in ~2 weeks while saying he wont bow to international pressure. Evil countries forgetting the 7th. May be for negotiating position or what?

Interesting Listening Post on Mahmoud Abbas being appointed as PM of the PA. US approval and they suspect Israel too. Technocratic none political gov for when it all ends. Imposed by the sound of it rather than elected. Sort of caretaker gov or what?
Interesting Listening Post on Mahmoud Abbas being appointed as PM of the PA. US approval and they suspect Israel too. Technocratic none political gov for when it all ends. Imposed by the sound of it rather than elected. Sort of caretaker gov or what?

Hamas wont accept that.
Hamas wont accept that.
Sounds like all of FATAH, PLO etc spin offs wont either. They want a proper state. Self ruled etc. In other words a definite route to that. For obvious reasons there is also a lack of trust - they should have had their state a long time ago.

All groups have their army even the PA as it currently stands.
Turning down the right to statehood in 1947
I'm not going to bother about going through that aspect again. But fine by me you can stick with that view and ignore actual events.
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