1st steps towards peace. Thank you president Trump

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so if these consequences are so obvious then why didnt they pay their fair share instead of just thinking fek it america can pay with their money and life's

Because having America in control of everything kept the whole world relatively peaceful. This arrangement was very beneficial for everyone, including America. They didn't actually want a heavily armed Europe. In particular, they didn't want to see nuclear weapons being proliferated around the globe. We now have Poland, Germany, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan discussing making their own nuclear weapons.
They didn't actually want a heavily armed Europe. In particular, they didn't want to see nuclear weapons being proliferated around the globe.
They were the only superpower and were happy in that position. The notion that the smallest countries should spend as much as others is simply nuts.

It's all just a deflection from Trump's love in with Poo Tin. He's a bully and bullies love him.
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so if these consequences are so obvious then why didnt they pay their fair share instead of just thinking fek it america can pay with their money and life's

Here is a simple and short article which lays out the argument. I've have just quoted the last bit. But the whole thing is worth reading:

The tragedy is that many Americans, frustrated by the costs of global leadership, fail to recognize the many indirect benefits they’ve received from it. It is true that American hegemony wasn’t free to maintain, but by bearing those costs we were able to maintain a world remarkably conducive to U.S. interests. The era of stable markets for exports, reliable access to resources and few direct security threats is ending as we walk away from our role as a relatively benevolent hegemon.

The coming disorder will hurt Americans more than they realize, through increased military threats and economic disruptions. Those celebrating America’s retreat from global leadership will soon learn that their wish was granted on a monkey’s paw. The world that follows Pax Americana will be poorer, more dangerous and less free — a harsh lesson in how much better the imperfect American-led order was than the alternatives that history offers.

Germany has the capability to make them but has a treaty to prevent them doing so.
Fret not.
Germany before WW2 was by treaty , not supposed to rearm, they rearmed and started WW2.

Like today, back in the 1930s the big threat to Europe was Russia, the Nazis were seen by some as the answer to the spread of Judeo/communism emanating from Russia.
The real threat wasn't from Russia.
According to Churchill, the Hun is either at your feet or at your throat.
Germany before WW2 was by treaty , not supposed to rearm, they rearmed and started WW2.

Like today, back in the 1930s the big threat to Europe was Russia, the Nazis were seen by some as the answer to the spread of Judeo/communism emanating from Russia.
The real threat wasn't from Russia.
According to Churchill, the Hun is either at your feet or at your throat.
I think it's written into their constitution about not having nukes and being a keystone member of the EU means they really don't need them. The French will use them should the need arise. It probably won't.
you mean that bassa trump is telling them he isnt going to subsidise them anymore or put young american lives on the line while they enjoy the high life spending the money elsewhere . Wurra **** he is
How has America subsidised anybody?

Nobody forced America to have such a huge military and 800+ military bases around the world.
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