1st steps towards peace. Thank you president Trump

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Trump is weak and simply Putins useful idiot

A damning European intelligence report has claimed Russia sees US President Donald Trump as “weak” and “open to manipulation”. According to the report, which cites intelligence gathered this month, the Kremlin believe that the former real estate magnate is weak, lacks a core set of principles and may be open to manipulation.

Israel has nukes and nobody seems concerned about that.

If they had them the other side of the fence, I'd be $h!tting myself.

People go on about the threat of Russia, Germany, etc. Biggest threat to us is the slow drip of muslamics growing gradually stronger in western countries, infiltrating every institution and part of our lives. Not some enemy thousands of miles away, but the enemy within. Maybe even next door to you if you're really unlucky. Yet many are asleep to this threat. They haven't learned the lessons of history.
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Has Pakistan?
Why should Iran be singled out as an aggressor when other regimes have nuclear capability.
These regimes are considered friendly and non threatening, you wouldnt say the same for countries such as Iran.
America has been milking the benefits of being the worlds supposed “peace keeper”

Nobody forced America to do it
if it hadnt been for america you would have blonde hair and blue eyes speaking with a german accent . Thinking about it old adolph would have you in a camp for the insane
These regimes are considered friendly and non threatening, you wouldnt say the same for countries such as Iran.
I wouldn't call Pakistan friendly - India have to play their test matches in another country. Only reason we don't need to fear them is we're out of range.
Have they ever threatened to use them? Or do you see them as a threat?

We don't know for sure. I saw a programme on the Freeview channel PBS America about the 1973 war. There was a point when Israel was being overwhelmed by Syria in the Golan Heights. The theory is that, behind the scenes, Israel threatened to use nuclear weapons unless the Syrians backed off.
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if it hadnt been for america you would have blonde hair and blue eyes speaking with a german accent . Thinking about it old adolph would have you in a camp for the insane
Whilst I agree with that first sentence, the Americans only got involved because Japan bombed Pearl Harbour.

The war had been going on for 2 years before that and the Americans were content to just sit back and watch Europe fall.
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