There is a lot that we, the public don't know. And should probably never need to know. We might have met him in the street, we might have talked to him on the web, does that make him a bad person? He did the crime, he served his sentance, he had a new identity. He commits a new crime because he has been locked away from society, as he can't integrate, as his youth has been taken away from him.
How would you feel if you were hiding a secret about your entire life? Raoul Moat shot himself.
He was sentenced to what the judge was allowed to sentence him to. He did his time inside, as any convict would. You get more time inside for stealing money, than murder, as the Ronnie Biggs fiasco proved. So the whole judicial system is messed up.
What, if a member on here is him? Do you talk to everyone the same? A crime and you did the sentance, does that stigmatise someone? No, they just want to get on with their lives. If part of that rehab means you lost your childhood, would that not affect you?
I'm sure that there are people that have been in prison that are now posting here, but aren't stigmatised for being in prison, as they done the crime, and they done the time. So why go on and on about this kid?
How would you feel if you were hiding a secret about your entire life? Raoul Moat shot himself.
He was sentenced to what the judge was allowed to sentence him to. He did his time inside, as any convict would. You get more time inside for stealing money, than murder, as the Ronnie Biggs fiasco proved. So the whole judicial system is messed up.
What, if a member on here is him? Do you talk to everyone the same? A crime and you did the sentance, does that stigmatise someone? No, they just want to get on with their lives. If part of that rehab means you lost your childhood, would that not affect you?
I'm sure that there are people that have been in prison that are now posting here, but aren't stigmatised for being in prison, as they done the crime, and they done the time. So why go on and on about this kid?