A bit late but some more context might help hereprior to this ukranian caper
the west (nato countries ?) were manufacturing approx' 30.000 artillary shells a month cost approx' 740 million £ a year
the Ukraine require 180,000 shels a month at the present usage at a cost 4 of billion a year
plus alll the other equipment they will need , tanks , ammo , missiles air defences ect ect
How many shells a month do you need to produce in peacetime?
The answer is enough to cover your training needs and enough to replace any shells that are reaching the end of their storage lifespan. Bonus points are awarded for using the old shells for training. You might manufacture a bit more if you're replenishing after a war or upgrading to newer shells.
Building more than you're using to build an infinite amunition mountain is obviously pointless. The USSR did it because they were expecting the Americans to invade, or vice versa. Russia builds a lot of shells but thats because they're in an ongoing expansionistic phase and need shells for the next scheduled war. But no one else builds shells without end (well, maybe north Korea).
The interesting question isn't how the historic production rates compare to daily usage, but how the current production rates have scaled up against desired usage.
Its also a lot more complex as a 152mm HE shell is a very different beast to a 155mm Excalibur round. Both in cost to produce and in effectiveness.
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