She does intend to base the entire next election on separation but she won the last one by saying that wont figure - just handling covid.
Pass - who knows what the result will be.
She has also pulled in Brexit. She pulled in some interesting numbers about incomes of lower earners in the EU. Wouldn't surprise me if true or nearly so. There are differences in other areas. Significant ones.
Some EU person did mutter no concerning Scotland joining independently.
Might be all sorts of reasons for that. It would need a boarder and a currency. Suppose the current gbp value at the time could be transfered to the euro but that isn't the usual way of doing it.
Could they raise the debt that is currently being going to be used to support all of us. What happens to repayments if they leave.
Similar is this
In 2020/21, public spending per person in the UK as a whole was £13,414. ... Scotland: £14,842 (11% above the UK average)
14 Sept 2021 — Scotland accounted for 9.1% of UK public spending, around 7.9% of UK revenues and 8.1% of UK population in 2020/21
I hear hints that their greens support separation. They'll support any thing to get elected. Some are now supporting nuke stations. They are probably why Germany messed up in this area. Their greens.
She needs in excess of 50% of the actual total votes. Few parties achieve that. Get that and she can mutter about democracy.
Others are pointing at civic matters and how they have handled those - not too well and arguing that should be the priority. They do get extra per head so where is it going.
No one for some reason seems to have looked at the real economics of them leaving the UK. One Welsh idea of an income is selling the English water. We'll be desperate for it at some point. I said ok buy the Elan valley of us,