a question of morality...

you leave your wallet on a train... who's wrong?

  • you?

    Votes: 12 60.0%
  • the person that stole the wallet?

    Votes: 8 40.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Most crime is opportunistic, people should try and minimise opportunities for crimes to take place.

Are you for real?!!!!! that's the whole fooking point !!! crime is the crime... not the leaving open to crims bit !!!!!!!

I certainly am for real, crime can be prevented, or are you too stupid to realise that??????

Lets say you go to a supermarket, do you

A = Remove valuables from your car or put them out of site and then lock the car

B = Put a shiny new phone on the dash, leave the drivers door off and your keys in the ignition with your sat nav set to take you home??

If you answered B then you should be asking yourself "are you for real" ??

i agree 100% with what you say, but you miss the point... who is wrong... you, for putting a shiny phone on your dashboard? or scum crim for stealing it?

You are in the wrong, you read news, press, media, everyone is shouting at you to be vigilant. Crime is not a secret, seriously, it happens, it's happened to me, i'm sure theres a statistic that shows it will more than likely happen to you too.

Theres an old saying "prevention is better than cure"
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well put simply, you don't know the difference between right and wrong !!! :rolleyes:
Yeah, you'll need to justify that to me if you'd like me to take it seriously.

I know it's wrong to leave my child unattended (possibly doped) in a hotel in a strange country
I know there are child abusers in the world

You CANNOT live your life blinkered to the fact the people do bad and wrong things, you know they do so if you are going to ASSIST them then you are almost as bad as them.

If what happened to them happened to me I seriously doubt i'd be here typing this as I don't think i could live with myself. Nothing short of neglect, do you think that poor child would be missing if the parents hadn't left her unattended??
fook me... can you not answer a straight question?

person A leaves £10 on a park bench

person B steals the £10

who's the worst crim? :eek:
fook me... can you not answer a straight question?

person A leaves £10 on a park bench

person B steals the £10

who's the worst crim? :eek:

No need to swear, I'm sure your vocabulary is not that limited.

You asked who is wrong, not who is worse. Both are wrong, which one is feeling bad about the situation and wishes they'd been more careful?????
fook me... can you not answer a straight question?

person A leaves £10 on a park bench

person B steals the £10

who's the worst crim? :eek:

No need to swear, I'm sure your vocabulary is not that limited.

You asked who is wrong, not who is worse. Both are wrong, which one is feeling bad about the situation and wishes they'd been more careful?????

Jesus !! if you has to have one round or tea, is it the stupid parent or the aroused paedophile?
The second defiantly, I think that I could enjoy castrating him.

You need to be clear in what your saying, you cant keep moving goal posts, thats something children do.

If you think it's acceptable to leave things of great (or immeasurable) value knowing that there are criminals in the world then I'm afraid you are beyond help and I feel sorry for you as one day something bad will happen and only then you will realise what a fool you are being.
fook me... can you not answer a straight question?

person A leaves £10 on a park bench

person B steals the £10

who's the worst crim? :eek:

not sure where this is going but one act is not criminal the other is

if you could perhaps fully explain the point you are making then perhaps you will get an answer approaching what you want rather than us trying to read between the lines and getting it wrong :D
The second defiantly, I think that I could enjoy castrating him.

You need to be clear in what your saying, you cant keep moving goal posts, thats something children do.

If you think it's acceptable to leave things of great (or immeasurable) value knowing that there are criminals in the world then I'm afraid you are beyond help and I feel sorry for you as one day something bad will happen and only then you will realise what a fool you are being.

I see the 'game' you're playing....

I protect all i have whenever i can... i have alarms, and invisible ink, and cctv.... but what about the git that breaks in and steals my gold.... who is wrong? me for not putting a cctv camera at my side fence or the guy that climbed over it !!!
fook me... can you not answer a straight question?

person A leaves £10 on a park bench

person B steals the £10

who's the worst crim? :eek:

not sure where this is going but one act is not criminal the other is

if you could perhaps fully explain the point you are making then perhaps you will get an answer approaching what you want rather than us trying to read between the lines and getting it wrong :D

you're writing between the lines.... just answer the simple question !!!!!! person A? or person B?
A CCTV camera has never prevented someone climbing a fence, it might put them off but sure as hell doesn't prevent them doing it.

Would you leave ALL of your gold in a hotel room in another country unattended?
A CCTV camera has never prevented someone climbing a fence, it might put them off but sure as hell doesn't prevent them doing it.

Would you leave ALL of your gold in a hotel room in another country unattended?

WHO IS WRONG !!!!!!????????
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