a question of morality...

you leave your wallet on a train... who's wrong?

  • you?

    Votes: 12 60.0%
  • the person that stole the wallet?

    Votes: 8 40.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Clearly, the criminal, although I will say that you have taken extreme preventative measures. Saying that if theres a house with alarms and CCTV all around it, perhaps thats the one worth breaking in to as there must be loads of valuables inside.

Do you thing it's right to leave your children alone in a strange country in a hotel?????
Do you think that to do so is a crime?????
fook me... can you not answer a straight question?

person A leaves £10 on a park bench

person B steals the £10

who's the worst crim? :eek:

not sure where this is going but one act is not criminal the other is

if you could perhaps fully explain the point you are making then perhaps you will get an answer approaching what you want rather than us trying to read between the lines and getting it wrong :D

i have already answered one is criminal one is not so what is the point off the question ???

you're writing between the lines.... just answer the simple question !!!!!! person A? or person B?

i dont play stupid games so unless you give me a sensible reason or help me understand your logic i will not be directed by your as i see it so far fairly pointless suggestions :D
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No martian, tis you who is the simple fool. As ably demonstrated in this thread, you see things in childish black and white terms whereas everyone else sees shades of gray. :rolleyes:
fook me... can you not answer a straight question?

person A leaves £10 on a park bench

person B steals the £10

who's the worst crim? :eek:

not sure where this is going but one act is not criminal the other is

if you could perhaps fully explain the point you are making then perhaps you will get an answer approaching what you want rather than us trying to read between the lines and getting it wrong :D

i have already answered one is criminal one is not so what is the point off the question ???

you're writing between the lines.... just answer the simple question !!!!!! person A? or person B?

i dont play stupid games so unless you give me a sensible reason or help me understand your logic i will not be directed by your as i see it so far fairly pointless suggestions :D

ok, so i have £100 in my pocket and someone steals it, who's wrong? :rolleyes:
No martian, tis you who is the simple fool. As ably demonstrated in this thread, you see things in childish black and white terms whereas everyone else sees shades of gray. :rolleyes:

agreed, you're a shady character... !! ;)
but the point is, the weight of responsibility.... parents stupid... but child stealer - worthy of death...

What's wrong with that logic Sooey?
You are neither a judge nor a full jury, how on earth can you decide which deserves the firmer punishment, morally both parties are equally as wrong, and thats what your post set out to establish.
You are neither a judge nor a full jury, how on earth can you decide which deserves the firmer punishment, morally both parties are equally as wrong, and thats what your post set out to establish.

are you serious? i leave my wallet on a train seat and i'm as guilty as the **** that nicks it? :eek: :eek:
Your own poll shows you to be incorrect. You cannot compare a child's life with a wallet? No amount of money can be relative to a childs life, to even try and make the comparison is sick. You could remain as arrogant as you are or you could learn something from this, in fact you could learn two things.
ok, so i have £100 in my pocket and someone steals it, who's wrong? :rolleyes:

the person that steals the money is in the wrong

but there must be a report or situation that has made you post this thread
perhaps the background will help us understand where you are coming from :D
you need to remember what is prominent in your life and foremost in your thoughts will not necciserily be in other peoples heads:cool:
I found a wallet and didn't get it back to the owner for 2 days and because I didn't hand it in to the police straight away.Is that a crime?
We went to Tenerife a couple of years ago and I had my wallet pinched from a zipped pocket. I suppose it was my own fault for going on holiday in the first place, and having the money to afford to go.
You have to realise Joe lives in an alternate universe where any crime attracts the attention of the police who then arrest the victim for having the item/ money/whatever,,, in the first place. If Joe's house got broken into, he wouldn't bother with the police, but blame himself for having whatever was stolen in the first place. In fact Joe has been thinking about this for a long time, and has decided to live in a one roomed house, with no furniture., no TV, No computer, Nothing, just a bare room. Zero, Zilch Sweet FA in it. That way he knows nothing at all can ever get stolen from him. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
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