A Red Dawn

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The former business secretary Kemi Badenoch and the former immigration minister, Robert Jenrick are the bookies’ favourites – pause a moment to let that sink in...Tom Tuggendhottenhat, the most obvious choice of the One Nation wing, is close behind James Cleverly. Most MPs expect Pritti Vac^nt and Mel Stride to be the candidates who fall when MPs whittle the candidates down to four before the party’s conference.

If they imagine either Badenoch or Jenrick have any potential to become PM then Labour can look forward to five more years - unless, of course, they expect the far-right to enjoy a resurgence in the UK as it is in Germany.
While they're at the Conference maybe they can explain this 'world of opportunity beyond the EU' that was closed to the UK before Brexit and now, unleashed from Brussels, we are free to trade globally, while winning better conditions for trading in Europe...

According to the UN’s Comtrade database, in 2023 Germany exported $105.95bn (£80bn) in goods and services to China; in the same period, the UK’s exports to China were $34.29bn. The figures for India in 2023 are $12.87bn for the UK and $17.97bn for Germany. Exports by Germany to Peru, a CPTPP member state, were $1.19bn, with the UK recording $263.69m. Germany, despite, and more probably because of its EU membership, has no difficulty in achieving large export figures in key global markets.

Why this is, i wonder? - perhaps they just know what they're doing.
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While Bibi has a tantrum over Labour's decision to withold a small percentage of components used in Israel's armed occupation of Gaza - only 30 out of 350 components are sanctioned in the 1% of total sales - it's revealed in the Guardian that...David Cameron, the former foreign secretary, sat on advice from Foreign Office officials in Israel and London that there was clear evidence of breaches of international humanitarian law in Gaza for which the UK risked being complicit, a former Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) adviser said: “The advice being sent through to the Foreign Office was clear that the breaches of IHL by Israel as the occupying power were so obvious that there was a danger of UK complicity if the licences were not withdrawn.”

Italy, Spain, Canada, Belguim and the Netherlands have all sanctioned arms sales to Israel, although the UK will not withold components for F-35 fighter jets.
"They float, they all float...and when you're down here fat boy, you'll float too."

The United Nations is supposed to be above the fray – a forum for and facilitator of peaceful resolutions or, at the least, the minimisation of harms. Yet for the last year, Israel has treated it as an inconvenience at best and adversary at worst. UN peacekeepers are literally in the path of its offensive in Lebanon and are refusing to leave as it has urged. The Israel Defense Forces forcibly entered a base and have repeatedly fired on their positions, injuring five. Nearly 230 aid workers for Unrwa, which supports Palestinians, have been killed in Gaza. Earlier this month, Israel declared the UN’s secretary‑general, António Guterres, persona non grata. In May, its outgoing ambassador to the UN shredded a copy of the charter.

They are also a sign of the times. The UN is now a beleaguered institution, stuck on the sidelines of recent major conflicts. The security council has repeatedly been deadlocked, with the US, the UK and France on one side and Russia and China on the other. Western leaders have wrung their hands about this weakness and paralysis contributing to the decline of the rules-based international order. They must confront any attempt to further undermine it.

Israel’s attacks are increasing its international isolation, even alienating Italy, one of its staunchest European allies, which is among those supplying the UN troops. Spain and Ireland have urged other EU members to suspend the free trade agreement with Israel over its actions in Gaza and Lebanon. Spain and France have called for countries to stop supplying arms to Israel.
But overall the US has been mealy-mouthed to date – and Israel in any case knows it will be financially and militarily supported whatever it does, as a former French ambassador to Washington and representative to the UN, Gérard Araud, has noted. The US is likely to regret allowing further weakening of the UN. Benjamin Netanyahu and his colleagues’ refusal to respect it makes it all the more important that others do so, and do so vocally. The Guardian

*Xi is pictured in the caption because China played war games last weekend, surrounding the island of Taiwan, largely Ignored by the Western Media. While America holds an election to decide the direction of the next four years of foreign policy, fingers crossed the Chinese do not seize the moment to launch an assault while the West is under sustained pressure.
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