A year of Keir

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He has done ok with the vaccine rollout.
If you are unhappy with Boris Johnson then you need to come up with a viable alternative to tory rule.
Kier Starmer is just a caretaker leader until the Labour party gets a leader who has ideas that the public will vote for.

What ideas will the public vote for?

Seems they dont mind wasting hundreds of billions and over a hundred thousand dead ontop Austerity.

The red wall is not coming back to labour, these towns have lost their youth and the proportion of older voters has increased. The labour vote is strong in the urban areas but as it takes more votes to win one labour seat than it does to win one tory seat this country will be under Tory rule for a long while yet.

You could put up Churchil for Labour and he would still lose.
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The public only care if they believe that government lies and corruption will affect them personally.

Who is going to pay for all this waste? The same public who don't care about that are the first to complain when local services are cut. If they can't connect the dots..
Who is going to pay for all this waste? The same public who don't care about that are the first to complain when local services are cut. If they can't connect the dots..
If enough dots appear they will.
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We all really enjoy the banter between opposing characters and find it amusing especially discourse like the above - but let me ask you this - is there an underlaying fondness between foes here on the forum? I mean when people are being aggressive towards each other is it because they genuinely don't like the other party or is it like family arguing where there's an underlying familial bond?
It's a love - hate relationship.
We love to hate each other.
And I'm not going to claim it was all a joke in a minute.
He has done ok with the vaccine rollout.
If you are unhappy with Boris Johnson then you need to come up with a viable alternative to tory rule.
No he doesn't. The Tory party elect their leader, and the electorate don't get a look in.
That seems to have been a waste of money - how did other democratic countries do with their test and trace such as Germany, France, Italy, USA etc?

Why were they wasted though? Couldn't they have been used if the emergency situation had required it?

Any specifics?

Why were/are the loans lost- aren't loans having to be paid back?




Donate to the Good Law Project which is investigatin the contracts.


Bounce back loans: Taxpayers may lose £26bn on unpaid loans

A great deal of these loans would never have been made if there was no Government guarantee and all the Government has done is thrown good money away. This will come out in the next few years.

The nightingale hospitals biggest problem which was highlighted at the time was - who is going to staff them? You cannot magic up medical staff out of thin air.
I have no idea.

This is the point. It doesn't matter. In their minds it will always be worse under Labour, they are not reasoned into their position so no matter how many great ideas and policies Labout have they will just dismiss them.

The same people who screamed that Labour would nationalise the Trains and it would waste money are quiet when the conservatives have effectively done that.
Thanks SirGalahad - has some of the above been missing from the main stream news in general?
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No he doesn't. The Tory party elect their leader, and the electorate don't get a look in.
The party will only keep him as leader as long as they believe that he can win them votes at election time.
The Tory party has a reputation for knife crime rivaling any inner city gang.
Once he becomes a liability the knives will be out and the backstabbing will begin in earnest.
Michael Gove did the honours the first time Boris tried for the Tory leadership.
Thanks SirGalahad - has some of the above been missing from the main stream news in general would you say?

The mainstream will either cover a negative story in passing, or when they cover it, the story will soon drop down in the 24 hours news cycle. So for a story to stick it has to be repeated.

So when there are weekly updates on the deaths from the ONS they are reported in passing and then the news media moves on quickly.

Right now we get the repeated news about vaccinations which are going well and people will eventually forget about the actual costs as those news are not repeated.

Democracy needs an informed public but kleptoctrats need a docile public.
Thanks SirGalahad - has some of the above been missing from the main stream news in general would you say?

Ask yourself. How many statues have been toppled in the last year in the UK?

Ask your friends and see what they say. Because its repeated again and again the public are led to believe the issue is more widespread than it is.

So how many?
The public only care if they believe that government lies and corruption will affect them personally.

thats true -sadly people can be persuaded to vote against their best interests -look at fisherman, voted for brexit and now furked because of it
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