Anyone got any evidence for a god?

The universe is a finite age of 13.4 billion years. Where did it come from?

It either came from a source that has always been there (god) or something acted upon nothing to make it something (god).

Take your pick.


I believe joe is conducting an experiment: To see how many wrongs make a right. Unfortunately for him, repetition isn't working.
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You tell us the way it is then. (he won't) :rolleyes:
The universe is a finite age of 13.4 billion years. Where did it come from?

It either came from a source that has always been there (god) or something acted upon nothing to make it something (god).

Take your pick.


Oh! Joe - you are at it again.
You are mixing two opposing ideas. The 13.4 B years is a scientifically derived figure, supported by substantial evidence. Your God Bothering lot have a figure of 6000 years preached to you which has no evidence what so ever. So you are using science on one hand and fairy Tales on the other, and you suggest I take my pick.
Let is get it clear, I made my pick many years ago, and am willing to be convinced I am wrong by evidence. You, on the other hand, are completely confused using Science to support one argument and Fairy stories to support another. So, with respect, it is you that should take your pick, and not 'Cherry Pick' your arguments.
In so far as what was there pre 13.4 B years is of course open to debate, but science/mathematics arrives at the conclusion that even Time(whatever that is) did not exist before that. Don't understand that but it is what Science/ Mathematics comes up with. At least that has repeatable experimental proof, whereas your Fairy stories are neither repeatable or demonstrable.
Joe, I have no need to convince you of anything, only a very reasonable suggestion that you review the evidence without prejudice, and if you are still of the God Bothering conclusion, then that is entirely your prerogative, but reach the conclusion by studying the evidence and the Fairy Stories.
I personally come down on the side of Science/Mathematics/Evidence, you may still choose the Fairy Story side, which is absolutely fine by me. If you come up with any evidence to support your conclusion I would be delighted to hear it, as believing in Fairies at the bottom of the garden is a nicer albeit misguided conclusion.
I would suggest you approach the subject with an open mind and not the evil stories that are preached in the Bible.
You seem to be under the delusion that to believe there is a reason to the universe that one must believe in an ancient text. That isn't true.
Science only works post the big bang. If time started at that point then what happened to the status quo before the big bang to kick start the system? Why didn't our universe come into being and die out an infinite time ago? Why are we here now? I'd like you to answer that question if you would.
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What I mean is - say something that makes sense.

You cannot have effect without cause - and that applies to the universe too.

And you still don't know how paracetamol works, just a vague guess so far.
You seem to be under the delusion that to believe there is a reason to the universe that one must believe in an ancient text. That isn't true.
Science only works post the big bang. If time started at that point then what happened to the status quo before the big bang to kick start the system? Why didn't our universe come into being and die out an infinite time ago? Why are we here now? I'd like you to answer that question if you would.
Well the God Botherer's believe in the ancient text, so I conclude you agree the Bible is '******'.
'Before the Big Bang' does not have really any relevance as time did not exist, if science has it nearly right, which they may not have it nearly right. If you read the Science which clearly you haven't, then there are theories of Multiverses and Infinite Births and deaths of Universes. Again Mathematically demonstrable with evidence based experimentation. The God Thingy is not repeatably demonstrable, if it were then atheists like me would have something to grab a hold of, because believe me Joe, we would all like to get the evidence of the existence of the almighty and then maybe answers to the horrors that exist in this world. Horrors that could not have been created by a benevolent Loving being, unless he messed up the fundamentals of his design.
Science may indeed have it wrong, but it has got to be closer to the truth than fairy Stories.
Why do you insist on the notion of a benevolent god? You are giving god human characteristics that it might not have.

Science is clueless when it comes to pre-big bang concepts.

By the way, look up the 'days and nights of Brahma' and you'll see that they have plagiarised the theory anyway.
What I mean is - say something that makes sense.

You cannot have effect without cause - and that applies to the universe too.

And you still don't know how paracetamol works, just a vague guess so far.
Again Joe - double arguments.
You have stated that you believe you can have effect without cause because you claim that God has always existed, therefore the God Effect is without cause. First argument dealt with.
The How Parecetemol Works thing is better understood now than it was, but knowing how it works is irrelevant, what is relevant is that it does work and is demonstrable with evidence by experimentation. It works just because we can demonstrate it. Second argument dealt with.
By the way, look up the 'days and nights of Brahma' and you'll see that they have plagiarised the theory anyway.

Well that is all about another religion 'Hundu' and that flies straight in the face of the bible with the concept of 6000 years since creation.
Cherry Picking again Joe.
So it begs the question which of the myriad of religions and ideas is correct.
I hasten to add - None of Them, and maybe science has it hopelessly wrong also, but at least science is demonstrable, repeatable and evidence based.
No religion can boast that.
So forgive me for following a logical path until such times as when a religion can offer a more plausible alternative.
Of course science is wrong, but how on earth did the Hindus come up with that concept so long ago?

General relativity and quantum physics don't gel do they? So you agree that science is wrong eh? :confused:

You don't even know how paracetamol works.
Of course science is wrong, but how on earth did the Hindus come up with that concept so long ago?

General relativity and quantum physics don't gel do they? So you agree that science is wrong eh? :confused:

You don't even know how paracetamol works.
Thats exactly what it is, a concept, certainly not a fact.

General relativity is for the very Large, Quantum Mechanics is for the very small, it is all striving towards a theory of everything. Religion is not a theory, it is Myth.
As I stated, but you obviously choose to ignore it, The way Paracetamol works is irrelevant. what is important is that it does work. Although Joe, I am sure you will disagree with that also.
It makes me laugh that you think the finite human brain can understand infinity. It's like asking your dog to understand calculus, a complete waste of time.
It makes me laugh that you think the finite human brain can understand infinity. It's like asking your dog to understand calculus, a complete waste of time.

I never suggested such a thing and I don't understand infinity.

All I have said is that I prefer to side with the theories which are demonstrable and repeatable through experimentation. I don't have to understand it, just repeat it time after time. I am not clever enough to understand it. Like paracetamol, I take it 'cos it works every time, I don't need to understand how it works.
No one knows what Light, Magnetism, gravity, or infinity is . All we can do is build models to try and comprehend the complexity of it all, and as long as those models enables us to predict what will happen if we apply a stimulus, that is all we can hope to do.
Religion does not use those rules, so it is a non starter for me, but I am willing to consider some evidence which up until now you have failed to even approach even a sliver of evidence. So stop messing around Joe and give me just a glimmer of evidence which is experimentally repeatable PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
Well if science understand the beginning of the universe then you can start with the big bang and then you can create life. Off you go now. :rolleyes:
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