It's hardly a matter for debate that men kill each other and some use religion as a pretext for this.
True, religions get in the way of modern life,
Still no addition to the original request for evidence of a god.
Already provided you with the evidence that God is Invisible Divine, as a master source of all energies, from which he some formed the universe.
There is no solid evidence of Black holes even though we know they exist, scientist think it shrinks matter to a very small particle due to intense gravity, but on the other hand this is only a theory, but it may equally be a giant converter that converts matter back into energy, and remains invisible, in other words opposite of a big bang.
How about (once more) asking when was the last time god did something?
The whole universe is ticking away as per his wish and under his laid rules and laws
Are the religious divided to include
- people who think god plays an active part in life today
Absolutely! every atom is connected to him, and ticks with his authority.
Man does what he wants as he has been given a free will. Animals will do what has been programmed in their genes and given limited intellect.[/quote]
- people who don't understand the origins of the universe so feel that there must be a god to explain this
No you don't understand, you think the universe came out of Nothing in an event called the big bang.
But we know that it was created by that Omnipotent, Almighty Invisible Divine, master source of all Energies.
Scientist have only found out the mechanism behind the creation, scientist cannot go beyond the big bang, the planning and when God decided it was about time that he should create a material universe from his energy.