Anyone on here still pay roaming charges?

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Mottie, you assume that we all have the same behavioural patterns or lifestyle routines.
We don't.
A roaming capability is designed for the annual fortnightly holiday abroad, or short business trips.,
it's not designed for, nor does it cater for frequent extended periods out of the UK, or/and out of Band 1 EU zones.

There are pitfalls with relying on roaming for using your phone abroad.

There are a couple of roaming charges to look out for when travelling, as you can be charged either a daily rate for using your phone abroad or a charge per MB of mobile data used outside of the UK. In some cases, you can be charged both as higher roaming charges still apply if you go beyond your monthly usage allowance.

Charges for this could reach up to £6 per MB of data you use, and without realising it you could quickly rack up a big bill.

And that’s not all. Amid all the fanfare about free EU roaming, less focus has been on the fact that networks apply so-called fair usage limits for customers who are roaming.

The result is that networks can cap your data allowance below what you’d get at home. So once again, you could be in for an unwanted high bill if you’re not aware of the cap and exceed the lower limit. Our telecoms expert, Ernest Doku said,

Roaming with your smartphone can be a costly exercise unless you keep tabs on data costs at your holiday destination, and your settings when you get there. Check with your network operator to find out about any roaming charges you might receive when travelling in the EU, now we're in a post-Brexit world. Outside of the EU can also have unique charges, so make sure you're aware before you go.
Lastly, turning off data roaming can be a last-ditch effort to curb costs, make sure to take advantage of local SIMs or free (and secure) Wi-Fi where you go.

For those that do spend frequent or extended periods abroad, they will usually have easy access to wifi, for communication with 'home'.

Personally I use two prepaid SIM cards, which don't cost a bean when I'm not in that country. And I have one plan for that provides free roaming throughout the EU.

To pay for a plan when you don't spend time in that country is expensive and wasteful.
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Mottie, you assume that we all have the same behavioural patterns or lifestyle routines.
Maybe I am. I’m assuming the following which will apply to 99.9% of people on this forum. Obviously you will aim to be that 0.01% that has different roaming needs on your extended European travels.

Inclusive roaming is really for those that take 1,2,3 holidays or more of up to a month per year in Europe and want to use data, send texts amd make and receive calls in their UK mobile number. It never was, never has or never will be for a U.K. based mobile to be permanently used abroad. Stop bringing up obscure situations. I take it you’ve still not read the link I posted?

Most caps nowdays are greater than they ever were before Brexit and most plans can have a self imposed cap. I set my cap at a fiver so even in the worse case scenario, that’s all I’d be able to go over without increasing it myself. Leave off with the scare stories. The capped roaming limit per month on ID mobile is 30Gb. You’d have be a right sad bastard to go anywhere near that on holiday and if you did, perhaps you shouldn’t be going on holiday in the first place.

Are you genuinely ignorant of the roaming options available nowdays or are you just arguing for the sake of it?
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No. I’m assuming the following which will apply to 99.9% of people on this forum. Obviously you will aim to be that 0.01% that aims to be different.

Inclusive roaming is really for those that take 1,2,3 holidays or more of up to a month per year in Europe. It never was, never has or never will be for a U.K. based mobile to be permanently used abroad.
Then you should make that crystal clear in your comments.
It's misleading to spout on about how roaming charges have not been affected by Brexit, when they clearly have.
And if people accept your comments without thought, they could easily rack up some high charges.

I won't bother discussing your percentages. Neither you nor I have access to any such data.
Read. My. Link.
Which makes no mention of it being a time limited option.
Only by experience, familiarity or study of the options does one become aware of the time or Gbyte limitations.

To suggest that Brexit has not affected UK mobile users for roaming in EU is deceitful and wrong.
I know there was a certain amount of glee for some people when they were reintroduced after Brexit
Don't know about glee but it has changed for the worse since Brexit.

Some, maybe most, can find plans with some included roaming, but not all. That's just the way it is now.
Some, maybe most, can find plans with some included roaming, but not all. That's just the way it is now.
There are 4 main networks. There are a dozen or so MVNO's who all offer inclusive roaming. You can find an MVNO that runs on the network of your choice.
A roaming capability is designed for the annual fortnightly holiday abroad, or short business trips.,
And that’s what we had before Brexit and what people were saying was going to be lost after Brexit. You never could use them indefinitely before as there were fair use policies. Accept it. Anyone can get a mobile contract on any network with inclusive EU roaming. You obviously don’t want to read my link or you’ve read it and want to ignore it for reasons only known to yourself.
You have to feel a bit sorry for brexiteers and their supposed intellect, or lack thereof...

The ones that are left won't admit that it has been proven that brexit has been a disaster both financially and socially...

And not a single one can come up with a single benefit of brexit...

So the only thing they can do is harp on time and time again about a minor thing that has got back to the situation it was before...

Only it hasn't, because brexiteers crashed the pound and they still don't get the fact that all costs (including mobile rates) have gone up because of brexit on top of all the other problems all other countries are suffering from!
Some are tied to a network for various reasons, like me. Either way, it isn't better than before, it's worse.
Other than buying a phone on a 24 month contract subsidised and tied to a main airtime provider, I can’t think of any other reasons that would tie me to a main network except a work supplied phone that you to pay for private calls on. It’s been made even easier to port your number since about March/April last year, you can just get a PAC by text and not have to get through to the retention department of a particular provider.
Other than buying a phone on a 24 month contract subsidised and tied to a main airtime provider, I can’t think of any other reasons that would tie me to a main network except a work supplied phone that you to pay for private calls on. It’s been made even easier to port your number since about March/April last year, you can just get a PAC by text and not have to get through to the retention department of a particular provider.
Is roaming and EU text and calls better than before brexit?
There are 4 main networks. There are a dozen or so MVNO's who all offer inclusive roaming. You can find an MVNO that runs on the network of your choice.
All of them are time and Gbyte limited.

And that’s what we had before Brexit and what people were saying was going to be lost after Brexit. You never could use them indefinitely before as there were fair use policies. Accept it. Anyone can get a mobile contract on any network with inclusive EU roaming. You obviously don’t want to read my link or you’ve read it and want to ignore it for reasons only known to yourself.
Roaming for EU mobile phone users is now free for EU networks, on a permanent basis.
No ifs, buts or maybes.
It's automatic, it doesn't need research for the best offer, it doesn't even need the slightest technical knowledge, nor special settings.
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