Arab captives tortured in Israeli hospitals

It's long past that point.
Change the record.

Not at all. They need to show Iran and Syria that if they push them then Israel will hit back.

They will deal with Hamas and now Iran is tied up they may just cross the northern border.

I hope not. But the Israelis are an arrogant bunch, with an attitude that history will not repeat itself
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They need to show Iran and Syria that if they push them then Israel will hit back.
And you think massacring Palestinians who cant fight back is doing that?

All that does is increase the hatred the surrounding countries feel towards Israel
There's no realistic prospect at the moment. From memory the Israeli people generally don't support an independent Palestine and without that there will always be tension. Israel will never give back enough to placate the Palestinians, let alone the religious extremists.

My expectation is this phase of the war ends with Israel annexing more of Gaza, as well as the chunks they're biting out of the west bank. Then they'll start with settlements in Gaza and it'll kick off and more land will be taken.

Eventually there simply won't be anywhere left for the Palestinians. Text book ethnic cleansing.
Hamas attacked because nobody is doing anything to prevent Israel evicting Palestinians from their homes for Israeli's to occupy the West Bank. That was the motivation for the attacks. If the reasons for these terrorist attacks are removed then the attacks would cease; except for the usual sectarian 'banter' that always goes on.
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And if the Jews didn't keep stealing land they wouldn't have attacked...
If Israel is attacked by rocket from high ground they would claim that land, the attack was from.
I was told this from a fella that was in Mossad.

Right or wrong it would be the last attack from that area.
If Israel is attacked by rocket from high ground they would claim that land, the attack was from.
I was told this from a fella that was in Mossad.

Right or wrong it would be the last attack from that area.
And you support Palestine using the same approach, of course.
Not at all. They need to show Iran and Syria that if they push them then Israel will hit back.

They will deal with Hamas and now Iran is tied up they may just cross the northern border.

I hope not. But the Israelis are an arrogant bunch, with an attitude that history will not repeat itself
But history is repeating.

And will repeat again, because the current direction will not sort anything long term
I hope not. But the Israelis are an arrogant bunch, with an attitude that history will not repeat itself
What has that achieved for them? Cheaper housing in the west bank maybe?
Continuous periodic problems from day 1 - yes.
So Ukraine is wrong to defend itself?
Is it?

You see it as the same?

Looks like Ukraine is defending its territory and people to me, not attacking and claiming parts of Russia. Or attacking civilians deliberately. Or attacking journalists.

Maybe you can explain
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