Arab captives tortured in Israeli hospitals

You're right, I don't

THFC says: "I dont care about the thousands of innocent Palestinians blown up, killed, maimed, starved to death in Gaza"

We all now know what sort of person THFC is
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I presume you have proof of that libellous statement?

If so, I'm sure we would all like to see it.
Every one of those is well documented. Didn't you know?

The 6 year old girl left to die by the IDF trapped with the body of her teenage sister killed by the IDF is particularly horrific, they also killed the paramedics trying to rescue her.
THFC says: "I dont care about the thousands of innocent Palestinians blown up, killed, maimed, starved to death in Gaza"

We all now know what sort of person THFC is

Do you think the Palestinians give a ***t about Israeli losses, or the innocent Israeli women tortured and raped?
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Every one of those is well documented. Didn't you know?

The 6 year old girl left to die by the IDF trapped with the body of her teenage sister killed by the IDF is particularly horrific, they also killed the paramedics trying to rescue her.
Every one of what?

I have no idea what your second sentence refers to because it's not my post that you quoted.

JohnD's libellous statement was:

"Israel's policy of assassinating journalists"
Recording of Hind Rajab's call here

BBC article at the time

BBC article where she was found dead

IDF claims no tanks were anywhere near there.

Satellite images showed IDF tanks within 300m

Washington post investigation that concludes the ambulance was shot at by an IDF tank.

Every one of what?

I have no idea what your second sentence refers to because it's not my post that you quoted.

JohnD's libellous statement was:

"Israel's policy of assassinating journalists"
Oh that, they've done that repeatedly. It isn't clear it it's formal policy or just lack of discipline but there have been many shootings of press before as well as during the Gaza invasion where they were clearly directly targeted.

A detailed walkthrough of one killing

No libel

Are you pretending you didn't know?
I guess you think that it's not libellous because it's true, but you have no proof that it is 'Israel's policy' do you?
THFC says: "I dont care about the thousands of innocent Palestinians blown up, killed, maimed, starved to death in Gaza"

We all now know what sort of person THFC is
Tottenham Hotspurs Football Club, solicitors will be in touch.
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Why do you think people who criticise the state of Israel are "Hamas Lovers"

how did you reach that conclusion?

has it never occurred to you that people who hate the state of Israel also hate Hamas terrorism?

Do you see everything in life in as shallow terms as a game of football "if you dont support this team, you must support the other team"
Like most dribbling right wingers populating this forum - he's a witless moron.
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