Arab captives tortured in Israeli hospitals

Not just one.

Israel hoped that killing all the journalists in Gaza would prevent the world knowing about their racist genocide.

Perhaps they'll get rid of the whistle-blowers next.
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I don’t understand, what issue do you think John has?

How true is it all ?

If this is really happening then I'll be surprised and uncomfortable with it. But if I'd Been told that a said person had put a child in and oven then maybe I'd be a little less helpful.

Most Jews know of someone who was murdered on that day in October. I'm not Jewish but I've spent the day with two young men killed by Terrorist since I met them.
Is it factual?
I don't think Israel has denied any of the main points. They have disputed that the restraints caused some of the amputations, but not that amputations occurred or that they have used restraints we wouldn't countenance for prisoners.
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A fixation on his hatred of Jews.

Like I said two young men who was on my table if I remember rightly have been killed by Terrorist. One was with his girlfriend. I have Jewish friends, family and customers so I do detest John's Hatred.
A fixation on his hatred of Jews.
Do you think calling out Israel for committing appalling acts is showing a hatred of Jews?

I’m surprised at your post TBH, you don’t usually make such comments
I don't think Israel has denied any of the main points. They have disputed that the restraints caused some of the amputations, but not that amputations occurred or that they have used restraints we wouldn't countenance for prisoners.

Terrorists with all the limbs are more successful than those without.

If your friend was murdered by the likes of of these oiks. Would you stroke their forehead?
Like I said two young men who was on my table if I remember rightly have been killed by Terrorist. One was with his girlfriend. I have Jewish friends, family and customers so I do detest John's Hatred.
But John does not hate Jewish people

John is calling out the state of Israel

Let’s be sensible about this
Terrorists with all the limbs are more successful than those without.

If your friend was murdered by the likes of of these oiks. Would you stroke their forehead?
How do you know they were terrorists
But John does not hate Jewish people

John is calling out the state of Israel

Let’s be sensible about this

I know your trying to be balanced and I appreciate that. We all need referees.
I'm not Jewish but I've spent the day with two young men killed by Terrorist since I met them
I detest the actions of Israel on the people of Gaza, but we must not forget many Israelis have suffered from the terrorist acts of Hamas.

The suffering on both sides is just awful
Do you think calling out Israel for committing appalling acts is showing a hatred of Jews?
I don’t recall any posts from JohnD making similar comments about those that committed the October 7th atrocities that starred off this latest flare up. Maybe you do - can you point out those posts for me?
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