Arab captives tortured in Israeli hospitals

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I saw the footage on the BBC, of prisoners trussed up in a balls on the floor, which they filled. If it was genuine, along with the testimony of the Israeli doctor, I can only assume the behaviour of the Israeli soldiers as criminal. Prisoners who keep fighting can expect to be restrained, but not like that.
They have no excuse for doing what we saw, and it vastly reduces whatever respect the Israelis had.

The same and worse may have been done in Guantanamo bay and elsewhere, but that makes no difference.

I don't see why JD sees fit to post repeatedly on the matter.
For balance I'd like to see some comments on the hospitality being afforded to the Israeli hostages being held in Gaza.
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For balance I'd like to see some comments on the hospitality being afforded to the Israeli hostages being held in Gaza.
For balance I’d like to see you talk about the famine that’s happening
But John does not hate Jewish people

John is calling out the state of Israel

Let’s be sensible about this

Understandable if Israel want to give a bit of pay back. In the scheme of things, they aren't the stone age savages who always play the victims (and mugs fall for it), but are always responsible for the worst atrocities anywhere in the world. I would support anyone over Religion Of Peace.
The whole world has turned against the Jewish people. I for one stand with the Jewish people. Its hamas that are the true evil ones. They use people as human shields. They are pure evil. They need to be eradicated.

God bless the Jewish people and Israel.
How do you know they were terrorists
A good reminder that these were people who were captured by the IDF, but that they hadn't been found guilty of anything and many of the survivors are being released.
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