Arab captives tortured in Israeli hospitals

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It's that kind of footage of Palestinian savages and the pictures of the female Israeli hostages that remind me why I support Israel in whatever they have to do in Gaza.
obviously you dont think about the thousands of Palestinians blown up, killed, maimed, starved to death in Gaza

If you only allow yourself to see the atrocities of one side, you will have bias

Hamas have committed evil actions
Israel state has committed evil actions

thats just a simple fact
Are you really comparing murderers and rapists to inocent children and their mothers?
And to grandmothers, holding a child's hand as they walk between piles of rubble on a designated route?

And young girls, calling for help in the wreckage of their family car, riddled with tank gunfire, surrounded by the rotting corpses of their family? Or the ambulancemen who came to rescue her?

How about a taxi driver, arrested without charge, chained up until his leg turns gangrenous and is cut off?

Israel's policy of assassinating journalists keeps most of these atrocities out of the news, but a few leak out.
obviously you dont think about the thousands of Palestinians blown up, killed, maimed, starved to death in Gaza

If you only allow yourself to see the atrocities of one side, you will have bias

Hamas have committed evil actions
Israel state has committed evil actions

thats just a simple fact
Can bod not see that. Or WILL not see that.

Israels current action won't achieve anything for their long term safety and peace.

Not sure why it's so difficult to recognise evil from both sides.
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And to grandmothers, holding a child's hand as they walk between piles of rubble on a designated route?
Of course John. They are not the same. I can't imagine that old lady or a child being anything like Hamas
Can bod not see that. Or WILL not see that.

Israels current action won't achieve anything for their long term safety and peace.

Not sure why it's so difficult to recognise evil from both sides.

I believe I have said in the past that the Israeli response will not help the situation. That they have gone about this all wrong.
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Have you not seen the cases?

What like the rules ( :LOL: ) that dealt with the secret carpet bombing of Cambodia Kissinger / Nixon

The rules that dealt with the Dutch UN contingent that abandoned thousands of civilians to the Serbs ? Most of whom were executed

The rules that dealt with the death / concentration / execution camps in the balkans
That were ignored by nato / EU ??

The rules that covered EU observers :)LOL:) forcing Uk troops to hand over captives (?) to the Serbs who were than executed

Them rules
Apart from being shot dead by the Israeli army.

How do you know it was the Israeli army.
The video states that the IDF where at each end of the road. It doesn't say that there wasn't any Hamas Snipers in the area.

My guess and it is a guess (that's what you do) there were Hamas in these buildings around her.
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UNRWA may have been slightly tainted. Still to be proved. What tainted them.

Lets take 30,000 IDF and various Israeli views? What will that do?

Take their major politicians and their views. Often rather too clear in their views.

Fact is folks the whole thing is a mess and has been for rather a long time.

UN peacekeepers. I noticed a comment. Go read about the views on what they can actually do. Fighting is not one of their major skills. So in one fracas the bombs had to go in. When both sides start shooting the peacekeeper tend to stay clear if they find themselves in the middle. Lebanon - they are patrolling around without much of a problem

For clarity, if you support the IDF in whatever they do in Gaza, including to uninvolved civilians, then you're not calling the Hamas soldiers who captured the IDF soldiers savages, you're calling all Palestinians savages.
Not sure how you work that out but, hey, if the cap fits
obviously you dont think about the thousands of Palestinians blown up, killed, maimed, starved to death in Gaza

If you only allow yourself to see the atrocities of one side, you will have bias

Hamas have committed evil actions
Israel state has committed evil actions

thats just a simple fact
You're right, I don't.

AFAIC, what Hamas and the civilians who joined in did on 7 October justifies Israel's response.
And to grandmothers, holding a child's hand as they walk between piles of rubble on a designated route?

And young girls, calling for help in the wreckage of their family car, riddled with tank gunfire, surrounded by the rotting corpses of their family? Or the ambulancemen who came to rescue her?

How about a taxi driver, arrested without charge, chained up until his leg turns gangrenous and is cut off?

Israel's policy of assassinating journalists keeps most of these atrocities out of the news, but a few leak out.
I presume you have proof of that libellous statement?

If so, I'm sure we would all like to see it.
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