Are Poles Better Builders?

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The influx of migrants is endlessly forcing up the cost of houses, so the Brit worker has to take a bigger mortgage. For this reason he cannot work on the minimum wage as can a young Pole that shares a house. So employers employ more Poles as they are cheaper.
The downside is the Brit spends his money in the UK on furniture and everyday stuff that the Pole doesn't buy - hence the local economy suffers.
The Brit keeps his money in the UK whilst the Pole sends it abroad. This damages our economy.
Sooner or later our economy will go into a recession - that's when it'll all go awry, when Brits are losing their jobs to Poles because they can't compete in their own country, and losing their houses and families. Immigration simply gives us more people - and more people means more trouble with housing and health and education etc etc. There is no gain to the country or the British people.
but these Polish guys are working incredibly hard. They also seem to know the latest rules and regs, and their plastering is a work of beauty!

Thier plastering is very good, thats because in the old country (thiers) they dont get paid till the painter has finshed.
Reason being......, if the painter has to make good on their plastering, ie, fill trowell marks,gouges, wipe thier shiiiite of the windows, floors, plugs etc, the painters can deduct that from the plasterers wages, that is why most polish plastereres are shiiiite hot, until they work over in good old blighty for a few months, and learn bad ways from others. :rolleyes:

Yes, they are good grafters, and will work thier nutttts off, and the majority of them are good soprano singers, ;) , but I would not trust them near electrics or plumbing, as they havent a clue.

People think they are so cheap, and they are, but they end up spending more money to put right the mess these polish or EE have left them in.

Never trust an EE with electric or plumbing, you will regret it. :(
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The influx of migrants is endlessly forcing up the cost of houses, so the Brit worker has to take a bigger mortgage. For this reason he cannot work on the minimum wage as can a young Pole that shares a house. So employers employ more Poles as they are cheaper.
The downside is the Brit spends his money in the UK on furniture and everyday stuff that the Pole doesn't buy - hence the local economy suffers.
The Brit keeps his money in the UK whilst the Pole sends it abroad. This damages our economy.
Sooner or later our economy will go into a recession - that's when it'll all go awry, when Brits are losing their jobs to Poles because they can't compete in their own country, and losing their houses and families. Immigration simply gives us more people - and more people means more trouble with housing and health and education etc etc. There is no gain to the country or the British people.

Trouble is, nobody seems to have spotted it yet; or if they have, are not doing anything about it! Like the droves in my situation that have already gone before me, I will probably have no choice but to leave this island in the next few years for somewhere I don't get indirectly taxed to oblivion & need to check the overdraft to pay my council tax, drive my car or get a weeks shopping in!
Well I've heard Cadbury is opening a factory there.
how many young apprenticies or want to be apprentices cant get taken on because of imported labour? Where will the industry be in 5-10 years when and if it no longer becomes attractive to work here, because there own economies are in a better state?

Dont get me wrong im not against the poles etc, you have to admire them. they get off their backsides and leave the families behind to earn money so they can send it home, but where does it leave our youngsters?
Re: the Poles sending money home. I was working for a lady today who said that the Poles work for the minimum wage so as to be eligible for working tax credits which they also send to their families. If that's true it bloody stinks.
If that's true it's silly.

You're really suggesting that someone asks not to be properly paid when they could earn a better wage?

Xenophobia rules OK
There are those that slag em off, and the smart ones that bring them onboard.
My mates a property developer, employs a few poles, he told me a of a job that was tiling out shops and salons, night work. He charges in the quote, a set amount per worker per day, and doubles it (cos its' unsociable hours) but he's only paying the Poles 70% of what he's quoting, and only time and a half for working nights. Sounds crafty, but his workers still get £90 an night (they're are well happy with that), the customers are happy with the prices, and he's doing alright out of it.

Their workmanship isn't that bad, I've seen a room plastered by a £70 a day pole, and another in the same house by a £120 Brit plasterer (mates rates) there's not much in it, certainly not enough to trouble the average homeowner on a budget.

You certainly hear a lot of stories about Poles but most of it is clap-trap and sour grapes. There are just as many clueless Brit builders and cowboys out there.
The big problem is that the Poles that have left have been replaced by Russian labour - so they can't go home.

They'll soon get in the swing of things here and sign on unemployed and get housing, disability and all the other stuff - then work the black labour market for cash.

Work it out - they will be quids in!
John D.....I wasn't suggesting anything, merely repeating what I'd been told. The lady in question was discussing the problems her bricklayer brother has been facing since Polish labour had become more available. She is a magistrate and certainly didn't strike me as being xenophobic.
there was an item on newsnight about it a few weeks ago (i think it was newsnight) because they are eu members they are entitled to a certain benefit, think its the child allowance(not totally sure). They are paying taxes on what thye earn so they are entitled to it under the rules. the money is paid direct into the banks at home for them.
there was an item on newsnight about it a few weeks ago (i think it was newsnight) because they are eu members they are entitled to a certain benefit, think its the child allowance(not totally sure). They are paying taxes on what thye earn so they are entitled to it under the rules. the money is paid direct into the banks at home for them.

Tis true, the system works like so; you come here alone from the EEC, register for work so that you get a NI number. You then work here for 12 months & pay NI contributions - but probably not if you don’t you earn enough money, in which case you will get NI credits! After 12 months, you then become entitled to child & all the other dependency benefits, the same as if you were born & bred in the UK. Now’s the totally ridiculous bit; our government will then, quiet happily, pay this allowance directly into an EEC (but non-UK) bank account, even though the dependants don’t actually live in the UK! This has got to be an incentive for EEC migrant workers from less developed countries not to earn too much in the UK as the benefits they will eventually be entitled to are worth far more when shipped back home than the actual wages they earn in the UK; it’s very, very expensive to live here by comparison!
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