Asbestos in warm air unit

Highly likely. In the past (i.e. pre-1990s) I've screwed AIB onto airing cupboard doors and ceilings. It normally incorporates the lowest risk variety of asbestos, chrysotile, but nevertheless it should be handled with a degree of caution as well as disposed of properly (not just chucked in a skip, which might result in a fine)
Hiya, so is asbestos usually a board on top of a board? Not in the plasterboard?
Sometimes, it could also be a board instead of a (different) board.
I’m wondering about this one. It was the ceiling board outside of the cupboard and housed a metal cased light


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First two look like painted timber, third one I don't know. Get it all checked and you can stop worrying about it.

Are you doing this yourself or is there a contractor involved?
First two look like painted timber, third one I don't know. Get it all checked and you can stop worrying about it.

Are you doing this yourself or is there a contractor involved?
It’s all the same board
First two look like painted timber, third one I don't know. Get it all checked and you can stop worrying about it.

Are you doing this yourself or is there a contractor involved?
We removed the door ourselves ages ago. First time buyers and didn’t realise. There is workmen removing the heating system etc which they’ve done but we took a lot of the walls down in preparation for them coming in as there was vents all over the house so all walls needed to come off so they could access. The ceiling board that I’ve pictured above was outside the cupboard and above it was the silver tube for the warm air … as well as some cables etc.
AIB can contain brown/blue or white asbestos also AIB cannot be worked on for longer than 1 hour and that includes setting up and clearing up .
I know of one guy who cut 1 inch off the bottom of a door just like that to get wood flooring down . his entire flat got condemned as contaminated and a lot of the stuff in flat sent to tip

Highly likely. In the past (i.e. pre-1990s) I've screwed AIB onto airing cupboard doors and ceilings. It normally incorporates the lowest risk variety of asbestos, chrysotile, but nevertheless it should be handled with a degree of caution as well as disposed of properly (not just chucked in a skip, which might result in a fine)

I have this being removed today. Thanks for the advice! So the AIB board, is it ok that we moved the door? We didn’t damage the door just unhinged it and put it in the garden. Also, why would only the door have an AIB board? Wouldn’t the whole cupboard sides and ceiling be the same?
I have this being removed today. Thanks for the advice! So the AIB board, is it ok that we moved the door? We didn’t damage the door just unhinged it and put it in the garden. Also, why would only the door have an AIB board? Wouldn’t the whole cupboard sides and ceiling be the same?
no because plaster and plasterboard gives a level of fire protection that a wooden door doesnt
As others have said. We generally added AIB to the inside of the door for both fire protection and insulation. Similarly there were times when the ceiling of the heater/immersion cupboard were given the same treatment.
As others have said. We generally added AIB to the inside of the door for both fire protection and insulation. Similarly there were times when the ceiling of the heater/immersion cupboard were given the same treatment.
Would AIB board ever have been used under a window in bedrooms?

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