At last, someone locked up for life!!!

Here’s a conundrum that has been asked or I have heard asked over the years

Person kidnaps a child for example
Gets arrested but refuses to say we’re that child ( alive ) is ?

Child’s life is in danger it’s imperative that she is found or may not or will not survive

What should one do ? Respect the kidnappers human rights or ???
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Lol. Have you seen what it costs (USA) - the death penalty? Cheaper my arse.

Of course it’s cheaper how can keeping some one banged up for 30 odd years be cheaper than bumping em off ???

Get rid of all the scheister lawyers and human rights mob with there constant appeals poking there noses in


Some of these fruit cakes could be bumped off with in a couple of weeks days even
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You didn't include the betting industry that has the ex england manager on the books.
Here’s a conundrum that has been asked or I have heard asked over the years

Person kidnaps a child for example
Gets arrested but refuses to say we’re that child ( alive ) is ?

Child’s life is in danger it’s imperative that she is found or may not or will not survive

What should one do ? Respect the kidnappers human rights or ???
If it's known beyond all doubt the person in question is the kidnapper and it's further known beyond all doubt someone's life is in danger, the kidnapper should be water-boarded and such like until they cough up the location if they elect not to give the information more willingly.

It's interesting when you watch tv progs about convicted murderers, the experts will say they often don't give body locations as it's the last bit of control they can assert over the authorities and victim families.

Meanwhile, said families are left with years or decades of mental torture and unrest. Parents often go to their graves not knowing what happened to their child.

So yeah, in these scenarios, scum like Brady and Hindley (where it's proven beyond all doubt they're guilty) should have military torture techniques applied until they spill.

NOTE: I'll now wait for replies from the forum police, the do-gooders, asking me to provide links and citations to back up my claims and assertions :)
The death penalty does not work as a deterrent and is hugely costly to implement.
I am not an advocate for the death penalty, however I am an advocate for much stronger sentencing. Whether the 'experts' and/or the data tell us it's not a deterrent should almost be completely irrelevant. It should be about genuine JUSTICE being served.

Jeez, I posted a link earlier to a story about a guy getting two and a bit years of a sentence for his 8th conviction of grievous bodily harm. This about the victim:

The attack resulted in Mr Abraham suffering severe injuries including a hairline fracture to his rib, bruising to his back, shoulders, spine and swelling. In a victim personal statement, he said he was unable to drive and suffered difficulty breathing having to take strong painkillers to deal with the pain of his injuries.

The VICTIM will very likely have aches and pains caused by this attack for the REST OF THEIR LIFE. Meanwhile the piece of sh1t that carried out the attack will be free again in two years or so to torment more people.

Who gives a flying f**k about whether or not sentences are deterrents?

More prisons.
Properly staffed.
LONGER sentences.
What's that? Your daughter was raped, killed and cut up by the perpetrator? You want them locked up for the rest of their life or at the very least a 30 year minimum tariff? Emmmm, bit tricky that one. You see, the data tells us longer sentences don't deter these people from committing such crimes. So, based on this, we're going to sentence them to a life sentence with a recommendation they serve at least 16 years before being eligible for parole. After all, we need to think about rehabilitating them so they can be a positive contributor to society.

The victim? The family left behind? Sorry, what was their name again?
NOTE: I'll now wait for replies from the forum police, the do-gooders, asking me to provide links and citations to back up my claims and assertions :)
No doubt you'll erroneously label me as a 'do gooder', but how do you define "where it's proven beyond all doubt they're guilty"?

Especially before conviction?

Plenty of miscarriages of justice have happened where you would have advocated torture!

Care to tell us how the torture of an innocent person would get the result that you claim to want?
No doubt you'll erroneously label me as a 'do gooder', but how do you define "where it's proven beyond all doubt they're guilty"?

Especially before conviction?

Plenty of miscarriages of justice have happened where you would have advocated torture!

Care to tell us how the torture of an innocent person would get the result that you claim to want?
Maybe caught by cctv and/or mobile phone footage grabbing the victim and bundling them into a vehicle? Doesn't prove they categorically know where the victim ended up, however it's enough to prove they're involved. If they don't cough willingly, 'encourage' them to make sure whether they do or don't know something. Using recognised techniques that are very unpleasant but in no way life threating.

Or is that too much for you? You would no doubt prefer their 'rights' are protected and the victim dies.

Note I've not finished with a question as I'm over getting into ping pong debates with the forum police and the would be trolls.
Note I've not finished with a question as I'm over getting into ping pong debates with the forum police and the would be trolls.

And thus you throw out 'labels' instead!

But then I guess you don't believe injustice and wrongful convictions ever occur, and will no doubt continue to defend torture!

Your definition of 'proof' is b*llshit btw...

And like other such idiots you probably believe that nothing like that could ever happen to you!
And like other such idiots you probably believe that nothing like that could ever happen to you!
Ah the old, you could get cancer when all else fails.
I like the tried and trusted.
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