At last, someone locked up for life!!!

Kinnell ellal, thought you'd be on to that one to scare the bejazzers out of the plebs. Given how the 'virus' has worked.
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How do you propose to do that? Totalitarian antiquated dictatorship?

You and your poxy pie in the sky ideas won't last long boyo.

More is the pity noseall

Left to me there would be less scum bags that may be released as many of em would be brown bread
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NOTE: I'll now wait for replies from the forum police, the do-gooders, asking me to provide links and citations to back up my claims and assertions
You've offered your opinion. Your entitled to your opinion, even those based on fantasy, belief, faith, gut feeling, etc. There's no links or citations required for you to back up your opinions. And it remains your opinion. Of course opinions based on fantasy are probably worthless, but you're entitled to your opinions, none the less.

Now claims, supposed facts, data, recollections, etc, can be supported and verified by links or citations, etc., if and as required.
If you are unable to differentiate between your opinions and facts, it will continue to cause you confusion as to when links or citations are required to substantiate your versions of events, facts, data, etc.

By all means continue to play the aggrieved victim because your previous supposed facts have been refuted because you were unable or unwilling to support those claimed facts with any evidence. That suggests your immaturity, nothing more, nothing less.
Note I've not finished with a question as I'm over getting into ping pong debates with the forum police and the would be trolls.
If you think it's trolling to ask you for supporting evidence for you claims of supposed facts, then you have a poor understanding of what trolling is.

You presented your opinion as real-life data. You were asked to substantiate your claim with actual data. You refused to attempt to do so. Now you claim that it was trolling to ask you for evidence.
I suggest you stop digging now because you're making the situation worse for yourself.

And thus you throw out 'labels' instead!
But then I guess you don't believe injustice and wrongful convictions ever occur, and will no doubt continue to defend torture!
Your definition of 'proof' is b*llshit btw...
And like other such idiots you probably believe that nothing like that could ever happen to you!
You're evidently not very bright, so I suppose we need to cut you some slack due to that.

Go back and read my post. Read it carefully. If you need any help with bigger words ask your parent/guardian to help you. I said this:

Maybe caught by cctv and/or mobile phone footage grabbing the victim and bundling them into a vehicle? Doesn't prove they categorically know where the victim ended up, however it's enough to prove they're involved.

So you're asserting if there's footage of someone grabbing the victim and bundling them into a vehicle, that doesn't equate to proof they're involved in some shape or form? A child is walking home from A to B. A van pulls up beside them, a man jumps out, the child screams and tries to run away but the man grabs them, bundles them into the van and drives off. This is captured on cctv or mobile phone.

You're saying that doesn't prove this person is involved? Ha Ha HAaaaaaa. Are you already a defence lawyer for the world's scum? You seem to have the right attitude for it.
Well you behead some bloke on the streets of London in broad daylight

On camera

Multiple witnesses

Than you are guilty no ifs buts maybes or any mitigating circumstances ( none at all )

Than Afai am concerned you are brown bread

**** there human rights

Same goes for the lunatic who stabbed Joe cox no ifs and buts and maybes

Brown bread

Simple as that and good riddance to bad rubbish
As for the kidnapper who won’t give info

230 volts on the meat and two veg
May loosen his tongue ?
You're evidently not very bright, so I suppose we need to cut you some slack due to that.

Go back and read my post. Read it carefully. If you need any help with bigger words ask your parent/guardian to help you. I said this:

Maybe caught by cctv and/or mobile phone footage grabbing the victim and bundling them into a vehicle? Doesn't prove they categorically know where the victim ended up, however it's enough to prove they're involved.

So you're asserting if there's footage of someone grabbing the victim and bundling them into a vehicle, that doesn't equate to proof they're involved in some shape or form? A child is walking home from A to B. A van pulls up beside them, a man jumps out, the child screams and tries to run away but the man grabs them, bundles them into the van and drives off. This is captured on cctv or mobile phone.

You're saying that doesn't prove this person is involved? Ha Ha HAaaaaaa. Are you already a defence lawyer for the world's scum? You seem to have the right attitude for it.
...even if the person doing the kidnapping is doing it under duress?
...even if the person doing the kidnapping is doing it under duress?
It's maybe not the best analogy but have you ever watched these SAS shows on tv? The experts say, when being interrogated by the enemy, there's only so long the captive should give nothing away, otherwise they risk death. At some point, the captive needs to give the enemy something.

I get your point re scenarios where someone has maybe been coerced, 'do x or the family gets it!' However if the 'x' involves kidnapping an innocent person and it reaches the stage where the police have pulled the kidnapper in for questioning and advise them the kidnapped person's life is now in imminent danger, the kidnapper is most likely already in a catch 22. At some point, I assert the kidnapper would be better saying 'they've got my family' (give them something) as opposed to saying nothing, cause the family might get done anyway.
I get your point re scenarios where someone has maybe been coerced,
Coerced is not the same as 'under duress'. But you get the gist. It's why we need investigations and courts and trials. It's why the death penalty is so contentious. Trans lives in a fantasy world where only the guilty are put to death, it costs next to nowt and miscarriages of justice don't exist.
Coerced is not the same as 'under duress'. But you get the gist. It's why we need investigations and courts and trials. It's why the death penalty is so contentious. Trans lives in a fantasy world where only the guilty are put to death, it costs next to nowt and miscarriages of justice don't exist.

Not a fantasy world at all

Only the 100% guilty would be bumped off
All on a case by case basis
But that matters not to you if they are 100% guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt

Or do you believe that lee rigbys killers may not be guilty or are not guilty

You have doubts ????
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