At last they stir...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Not exactly Paris '68, but are they finally getting the point?


That they and us are getting shafted, and maybe it's time to make a stand?

Roll on the summer of '11... ;)
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You think uni students should get their education for nothing then?
Link worked for me.

There is no money, so no such thing as a free lunch anymore, so students will need to pay and chose courses that are likely to result in a good job.


Yep working now... unlike the Students!

Yeah very well done Students! Now the WORKING TAX PAYERS are gonna have to foot the bill for the Police presence, the clear up and the repairs! And these people are apparently intelligent!

I'm all for being allowed to demonstrate but smashing up buildings and the cars of people who have nothing to do with your demonstration is just mindless criminal activity.
If anything, it may well make students pick useful degree courses, with a practical application. Unlike the mickey mouse degrees spent studying the effects of Eastenders in the Rural Community. ;) ;) ;) ;)
You think uni students should get their education for nothing then?

They've never got it for nothing...

Ever heard of the phrase 'graduate tax'?...

Since a graduate is supposed to earn more during their working life, then they will pay more tax, so therefore it already exists...

And where does it stop? you think an A level student should get their education for 'free'?
If anything, it may well make students pick useful degree courses, with a practical application. Unlike the mickey mouse degrees spent studying the effects of Eastenders in the Rural Community. ;) ;) ;) ;)

Been reading the DM again have we?... :rolleyes:
You think uni students should get their education for nothing then?

They've never got it for nothing...

Ever heard of the phrase 'graduate tax'?...

Since a graduate is supposed to earn more during their working life, then they will pay more tax, so therefore it already exists...
I'll play devils advocate. There are plenty of people (I know quite a few personally), paying high tax that never attended Uni.

And where does it stop? you think an A level student should get their education for 'free'?
Hmmm, perhaps we should start looking at Colleges? It could be argued that A Levels are a 'lead in' to Uni. I'd argue that a basic education will give you most of what you'll need in life. If you CHOOSE to go to Uni then why shouldn't you pay for that 'privilege'?
Hmmm, perhaps we should start looking at Colleges? It could be argued that A Levels are a 'lead in' to Uni. I'd argue that a basic education will give you most of what you'll need in life. If you CHOOSE to go to Uni then why shouldn't you pay for that 'privilege'?
And 'GCSE' levels are a lead in to 'A' levels...

So why stop there?...

An education is not a privilige in the same way as healthcare should not be...

Unless of course you believe it's based on your ability to pay...

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