At last they stir...

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Prove it.

I don't have to...

But why don't you also ask jj to 'prove' his 'theory', d*ckhead... ;)

Because you have made a statement and I believe that you are telling lies, perhaps this is what you do?

Perhaps Ellal was on the Exhibition Road yesterday around 11 o clock showing his true feelings?

There again, perhaps he was the one that dropped a fire extinguisher on Wednesday in Central London?
Unfortunately you've made a serious misjudgement of character here...

I've probably attended more protests than you could imagine

Prove it.

Why would ellal need to prove to you that he has attended any demonstrations. Infact, how would he do that to your satisfaction? do you have any evidence to counter his claim?.

My guess is, anyone having had a debate with ellal before would conclude that he is exactly the type of person to have been out demonstrating. You may not like him or what he has to say but as far as can see, he has said nothing that any reasonable person would believe amounts to lies.

And JJ is more than a match for ellal, aint you mate ;)
Because you have made a statement and I believe that you are telling lies, perhaps this is what you do?
Hence my description of you was (albeit a bit tamer than I would like to say) spot on... :LOL:
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I've been to a few demonstrations.

Last one was a stay sharp knife demo in Debenhams :LOL:
I've been to a few demonstrations.

Last one was a stay sharp knife demo in Debenhams :LOL:
Ellal's last demonstration was a Betamax video one in Curry's circa 1976. And before that it was a Tupperware Party;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Ellal's last demonstration was a Betamax video one in Curry's circa 1976. And before that it was a Tupperware Party;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
And in that post your argument is lost...

better luck next time... ;)