At last they stir...

I repeat, you are REQUIRED to attend school you are not required to attend ANY further education past that point (at this point in time).

As to compulsory education being extended to the age of 18. Here's all the info:

However, the new proposals don't necessarily mean staying in school full-time. Young people will be able to choose how they participate and could stay on in full time education, for example in school or college), take an apprenticeship, or undertake part-time training if they are working or volunteering for more than 20 hours per week.

Hence why I said 'in it's various forms'... :rolleyes:

I'm sorry if that wasn't obvious enough, but it's still compulsory!
I knew what you meant, I was simply posting the link for those that did not. I posted the quote to show that it still isn't a requirement to actually study FE. As the quote states, unless you become employed or volunteer for more than 20 hours a week, then you are required to 'stay on'.

This new law doesn't fool anyone, it has been put in place to keep the 'dole figures' down for as long as possible. Any young person who is able and/or wants to stay on will do so. Those that are not interested in FE or are not as academic as their peers will have to find work or volunteer.

As I stated earlier, I am playing devils advocate, I don't necessarily agree either way but this has moved on, I originally posted to oppose the destruction the students caused.
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This new law doesn't fool anyone, it has been put in place to keep the 'dole figures' down for as long as possible..
It fools many, but as you say it keeps the figures down...

As does the pointless 50% university target!

Any young person who is able and/or wants to stay on will do so. Those that are not interested in FE or are as academic as their peers will have to find work or volunteer.
Minimum wage or the 'big society'...

some choice... :D
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Minimum wage or the 'big society'...

some choice... :D

So given you 'originally posted to oppose the destruction', were the student's actions reallyunjustified?

Because were it a mundane march the media wouldn't have given a toss!

I'm assuming you think the violence/destruction is justified? Would you think it was justified if someone had been killed? I'm watching the news as I write this. I've just seen a Fire Extinguisher thrown down from the roof of the building. It missed officers literally by inches. It WOULD HAVE killed someone if it had hit them.

Those actions cannot be justified. I haven't seen families marching and causing destruction because they've been told they will no longer receive Child Benefit.

Don't get me wrong here, I am sickened by the Millionaire Cameron telling me we're all in this together!!! :evil:
I'm assuming you think the violence/destruction is justified?
So what do you think will make a difference?

And violence/destruction is justified if it prevents a greater crime...check it out, because it is enshrined in english law!

I haven't seen families marching and causing destruction because they've been told they will no longer receive Child Benefit.
Not yet.. ;)
Perhaps the students are hacked off at the Conservaliberals telling us that they only jumped into to bed for our salvation (err.. rather than their own good).

Actually I might be tempted to rush down to Milbank the next time I hear some smug millionaire bragging about the size of the cuts and then trying to placate me by telling me that "we are all in this together".

One a wider point i wonder how much damage/violence their would be if there had not been any press present.
One a wider point i wonder how much damage/violence their would be if there had not been any press present.
But would there have been that level of press attendance if there wasn't any damage/violence ?

chicken and egg time...
I don't think it is chicken and egg.

One gets the impression that some of those taking part were almost posing for the cameras. It almost seems that the press were allowed in to Milbank so that they could better pictures of the protesters breaking the windows.

It always amazes me how the press manage to get the best positions in the middle of supposed "violent" clashes yet none get injured. Perhaps the situations are indeed more acts of vandalism rather than violence per se.

Contrast the coverage with those involving the EDF et al where the press stay much further back because of the risk to themselves.

I for one would rather accidentally stumble into a student march than an EDF/antiNazi rally.

I guess on the upside the heavy press contingency keeps inspector knacker in guard.
I don't think it is chicken and egg.

One gets the impression that some of those taking part were almost posing for the cameras. It almost seems that the press were allowed in to Milbank so that they could better pictures of the protesters breaking the windows.

It always amazes me how the press manage to get the best positions in the middle of supposed "violent" clashes yet none get injured. Perhaps the situations are indeed more acts of vandalism rather than violence per se.

Contrast the coverage with those involving the EDF et al where the press stay much further back because of the risk to themselves.

I for one would rather accidentally stumble into a student march than an EDF/antiNazi rally.

I guess on the upside the heavy press contingency keeps inspector knacker in guard.
It's the job of the press to cover whatever they think will make headlines...

And it's true that often there is a choreographed 'window kicking' photo opportunity...

But the press can't get 50k people there in the first place, and most photographers get themselves in the best positions because it's their job!
The violence and destruction caused by these so called students can't and doesn't have any justification in a supposed civilised society. Outright thuggery. These students would be the first to complain if their student accommodation was broken into and trashed the way they carried on yesterday. If someone attacks these students back at their university town/city, who do they turn to to investigate the crime? Ohh yeah, the police.

Whether they have to pay for their good education or not, they surely can't justify their actions.
The costs of repairing the damage caused should come directly out of university funding. A small amount , but that way every university student will pay for it through higher education costs.
Ellal- I pretty much agree with what you say but would go on to add that they do end up over representing the negatives.

The story is widely being reported as a riot. 50k rioters would equate to more than a few broken windows at the Tory HQ.

I am only guessing but I would expect the levels of violence to be far lover than the after spill of a football match.

Had it been a violent protest the police would not have been able to contain it- which they, by and large, did.

I am far from being a fan of the police but IMO (allowing) the loss of £10k of windows is far preferable to the potential for serious injury on either side that might have occurred had they been heavy handed.

The most bizarre part of the story is that the police have felt it necessary to apologise for not killing any middle class kids.

Frankly I think that the students should have vented their frustrations at the Lib Dem HQ. Love or loathe the Torys, at least you know what you're gonna get.
It's the job of the press to cover whatever they think will make headlines...

Surely the job of the press is to ensure the profitability of the newspaper they work for?
The Editor decides which items are newsworthy.
The costs of repairing the damage caused should come directly out of university funding. A small amount , but that way every university student will pay for it through higher education costs.

A tad disproportionate perhaps?

Should every joiner pay a premium to compensate customers for the shoddy work of other joiners?
But shoddy joiners, builders, sparks, plumbers etc soon start losing business as word gets around.
I'd like to hear what the universities are going to do with the students arrested yesterday. Will they be booted off their courses, or allowed to continue?
(Assuming that those arrested were students) Some marches etc do get hijacked by others out to cause trouble.
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