At least the Tories aimed for higher backhanders than a pair of specs and some new strides.

That happens all over not just the NHS
I guess you are referring to public sector employers, I dare say it’s a widespread issue

The problem seems to be that NHS don’t employ enough staff directly….because they are tied to annual budgets but then they have to employ loads of bank staff which costs multiple times more than employing them.
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I guess you are referring to public sector employers, I dare say it’s a widespread issue

The problem seems to be that NHS don’t employ enough staff directly….because they are tied to annual budgets but then they have to employ loads of bank staff which costs multiple times more than employing them.
It’s big business for a lot of sectors. Agency’s have been creaming it off for decades.

We even used to have Mot testers from an agency to cover staff absences. That was a bigger business then I imagined.

And no doubt someone in the NHS has a link to an agency….
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