At least the Tories aimed for higher backhanders than a pair of specs and some new strides.

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I REALLY need a winter coat, so if you’d like to buy me one – a £950 Canada Goose would allow me to do my job effectively – then pick the law you don’t like.
The thought that this particular donor influencing Starmer is plain crazy. His main drives have always been in the woke area so must have bribed some Tory as well.

Corbyn dressed well - ideal rep for the UK world wide. Starmer unlike similar Tory is not rich. I'm reminded of comments about the Blairs having no money and thoughts about what he could do to continue earning a living even from the US. They went into property development in Bristol to help.

So given the salary he gets he gets some immediate help from some one who is prepared to give it. As simple as that and not the first time this sort of thing has cropped up. The donor is a labour supporter but more party money has come from others. Business has a lot more interest this time.

Keeping a whole family in No10 has it's complications. A fact all should appreciate unless they are nuts.
The thought that this particular donor influencing Starmer is plain crazy. His main drives have always been in the woke area so must have bribed some Tory as well.

Corbyn dressed well - ideal rep for the UK world wide. Starmer unlike similar Tory is not rich. I'm reminded of comments about the Blairs having no money and thoughts about what he could do to continue earning a living even from the US. They went into property development in Bristol to help.

So given the salary he gets he gets some immediate help from some one who is prepared to give it. As simple as that and not the first time this sort of thing has cropped up. The donor is a labour supporter but more party money has come from others. Business has a lot more interest this time.

Keeping a whole family in No10 has it's complications. A fact all should appreciate unless they are nuts.

I wonder who paid for Michael Foots donkey jackets. ;)
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I wonder who paid for Michael Foots donkey jackets.
:) Probably came from a charity shop.

LOL Anyway I hope the anti's have taken in the points I made as they are real.

Meanwhile a no more clothes has been mentioned. Hope their wardrobes are adequate. Femal mp's etc wearing designer clothes in the Tory are is by no means unusual.

TBH I wonder when the flack from several areas will drop off as it detracts from reality and in general achieve no useful purpose. Or maybe they can keep it up for 5 years. Labour have been elected to do a job. Let them get on with it and at some point view by the results.

LOL Meanwhile the Labour Party Conference. Warnings of more tough actions to build firm foundations. Read this as make the economics sustainable. I suspect that is a true view at what they will be at. More money tends to come along naturally for several reasons. It's value can vary and it's best to maintain it.

Then up pops Unite - it's all so easy tax the rich and open up borrowing. The borrowing aspect could kick off a Truss like reaction. Tax the rich - interesting one. Look at currents takes and see the probably scope for increases. Wealth tax. Spain is said to have a sound solution but that means the tax would not raise as much as expected and only relates to any dead real money they have kicking about. Asset wealth needs to be excluded. Thoughts of needing to sell those to pay tax does seem to be an odd idea for various reasons. Getting them to pay realistic effectively income tax is far more important.