Er, um, and then shall we start paying kidnappers whatever they demand, and doing whatever terrorists want?megawatt said:Perhaps it would be easier to pay the PO's in line with inflation rather than pay prisoners compo claims then![]()
Softus said:Er, um, and then shall we start paying kidnappers whatever they demand, and doing whatever terrorists want?![]()
I'm not sure that we do, I think too much change would probably have undesireable consequences and possibly increase unempolymentjoe-90 said:What we need is the minimum wage raising
We live in a capitalist society, if a company wants to pay someone what they think they're worth, then thats their call, if they mess up too much then they go out of business!, of course public sector empolyers should be careful that they arn't paying someone utterly useless lots of dosh from public moneyand huge pay cuts for the fat cats
- or a tax system that puts the heaviest load on those with the broadest financial shoulders.
joe-90 said:What we need is the minimum wage raising
I respect that comment, but I had you down as a Th****eritejoe-90 said:The problem is about the gulf in the pay of workers. You have millions earning the minimum wage and then you have GPs and Lawyers earning £1000 per day.
The poor on the minimum wage have families to raise and mortgages to pay just like everyone else.
What we need is the minimum wage raising and huge pay cuts for the fat cats - or a tax system that puts the heaviest load on those with the broadest financial shoulders.
Even by your standards this is a little extreme ... Surely you're not comparing prison officers with a dispute over pay to Kidnappers and Terrorists?Er, um, and then shall we start paying kidnappers whatever they demand, and doing whatever terrorists want?