joe-90, if you don't mind me writing about you for a moment, the thing about you is that most of your ideas are thoroughly sound, but you paint them in such black and white terms that most people don't realise that you're just stirring things up to provoke thought.
I happen to agree that many GPs are expected to deal with so many ailments that they can't possibly know enough to act as anything other than a triage service. I think this is a fault with the system, and the fact that there are some extremely competent GPs gets lost in the noise.
I also agree with the implication that each patient should take the trouble to be better equipped with knowledge about themselves generally and their condition specifically. The total NHS bill could easily be reduced with better education, but everyone in the NHS seems to have their finger in the dyke (no smutty jokes here please).
So don't let joe-90's over-contrasty image of what he's saying delude into thinking that it doesn't make sense. It actually does.