BBC News

Er, did you read that, before posting the link - It rather supports the idea that the climate has always changed, leading to the rise and fall of civilisations.

Quote from the link:
"After all, it was when weather patterns finally became predictable about 11,500 years ago that complex civilizations finally formed in the first place. A stable climate ensured that crops would grow year after year, and a reliable source of food freed people to settle down and develop culture."

And Greenlands ice sheet was particularly stable:
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Have you already finished re-reading that article you posted, the one that doesn't back your claim that our climate has been remarkably stable?

Perhaps you should not focus on the pictures & actually read the text, maybe get your responsible adult to help you move your finger across the page.
Already addressed.
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When you start to put your words in other peoples mouths, then you expose nothing more than that what is in your mind.

It is not only rude, it is dispicable if used to enforce your point. However feeble that may be.
You ask someone to explain why your grass isn't greener and the oceans bursting with life. I answer, you ignore.
You ask how much CO2 tax people should pay. I ask what CO2 taxes you're talking about and you ignore.
You ask if you've slept through any other extreme weather events. I name at least 8. And you ignore.

Yet again you're deflecting to other irrelevant nonsense. If you read properly, I was a question, not putting words in your mouth but getting the facts straight doesn't seem to matter for you.

Every point you've made has no basis in reality and falls apart under the slightest scrutiny. I throw it back to you that your behaviour exposes what's in your mind: Nothing. Just factless rhetoric that you cannot even backup.
That's the bit I struggle with.
you don't think cutting down somewhere in the region of 60% of the worlds trees and replacing it with concrete, hunting certain animals to extinction, pumping out billions of barrels of oil that's taken millions of years to accumulate, rapidly burning all that oil in the last 120 years, testing nuclear bombs, dumping copious amounts of plastic in the ocean/landfill, and other such human activity hasn't had an affect on climate and the planet?

Oil has had many benefits that's allowed us to develop this far but technology is more than advanced enough now to move onto better cleaner sources. We just need to get big corporations to spend some of their massive profits on change for the better.
you don't think cutting down somewhere in the region of 60% of the worlds trees and replacing it with concrete, hunting certain animals to extinction, pumping out billions of barrels of oil that's taken millions of years to accumulate, rapidly burning all that oil in the last 120 years, testing nuclear bombs, dumping copious amounts of plastic in the ocean/landfill, and other such human activity hasn't had an affect on climate and the planet?

Oil has had many benefits that's allowed us to develop this far but technology is more than advanced enough now to move onto better cleaner sources. We just need to get big corporations to spend some of their massive profits on change for the better.

If things are so dire and desperate, then why is so much profit being allowed to be made out of 'climate change'?

I remain unconvinced that all the green measures being force upon us, are any more green than what went before, much of it is smoke and mirrors.
1. Your answer was just more nonsense.
2. I have never asked anyone how much CO2 tax they should pay.
3. Your 8x events are events that were reported, the severity of each is firmly fixed in the agenda of climate change & how it can be used to spread fear. I see nothing unusual in any of the events. Our weather is changing because it has always changed. When the seasons 'flip' then I will become worried.
1. so you think because grass has unlimited "food" (CO2) it should be greener? So temperature, sunshine, water, etc have no bearing in plant growth? The nonsense is coming from you.
2. " then come back to us with what level of TAX you think they should be paying". Direct quote from you. I'm asking you what tax you are referring to and how tax has anything to do with climate change. Again, not reading/answering the question
3. HAHAHAHAHA, storms, floods, power cuts, etc are reported on an agenda. That's some proper Trump level conspiracy spin. Beast from the East had a nice agenda then didn't it, I'd like a few more snow days! Or are you saying they didn't happen? You got any evidence that weather records gathered from multiple independent sources across the country are faked or is it more baseless Trump style rhetoric? Like much of what you've said, I think it's the latter, but I'm happy to be proven wrong that metrological reports are faked. I doubt that you will post anything, but I'll gladly read what evidence you're citing!

When seasons flip, that's when you get worried? That's like saying I'll wear a seatbelt and turn on the airbags after someone smashes into me head on. Bit late pal.
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