BBC News

Do you look into causes, or just at the effects?
Have you for example tracked down any of the illicit producers of CFCs in the far East?
Do you have any idea/link to how GW controls the movements of Walker Cells in the mid Pacific?
He's just googling it now.
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Do you look into causes, or just at the effects?
Have you for example tracked down any of the illicit producers of CFCs in the far East?
Do you have any idea/link to how GW controls the movements of Walker Cells in the mid Pacific?

My work isn't directly related to climate change research but can use similar data sets. I do environmental impact assessments for proposed major projects/operations and the effect this has on the surrounding and greater environment. Climate change is only a small part of it, local populace, wildlife, ecology, air quality, noise, marine life, etc all need to be considered too. Any concerns or issues highlighted need to be backed up by data sources.

They’re for UK based projects so I don't look at productions in the East unless they are a supplier for the project/operations. If CFCs in the supply chain were a concern, it would be a requirement to replace the supplier/material to someone/something more reputable or have robust mitigations to ensure the project, or operations after completion, is not promoting their production.

Affects of Walker cells in the mid-Pacific isn’t something I’ve needed to consider thus far, and possibly never will but who knows. Some crazy projects get floated now and again. I could search for something on the publisher repositories but you could do that too
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