Bernie Ecclestone pleads guilty to £400mn tax fraud

What’s your definition of a "tax dodger"? Someone who avoids tax or someone who evades tax?

In recent years tax avoidance has been the subject of considerable public concern, although there is no statutory definition of what tax avoidance consists of. Tax avoidance is to be distinguished from tax evasion, where someone acts against the law. By contrast tax avoidance is compliant with the law, though aggressive or abusive avoidance, as opposed to simple tax planning, will seek to comply with the letter of the law, but to subvert its purpose.
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In recent years tax avoidance has been the subject of considerable public concern, although there is no statutory definition of what tax avoidance consists of. Tax avoidance is to be distinguished from tax evasion, where someone acts against the law. By contrast tax avoidance is compliant with the law, though aggressive or abusive avoidance, as opposed to simple tax planning, will seek to comply with the letter of the law, but to subvert its purpose.
My question was to @JohnD . I ask him that question every time he mentions 'Tory tax dodgers'. He never answers because, of course, he is always giving examples of those Tories that avoid paying tax. JohnD of course, is also a 'tax dodger' because he avoids paying tax which is why he never answers. Still, it looks good (in his eyes) when a Tory avoids paying tax. Everyone on here avoids paying tax that they don't have to pay. Does that make us all "tax dodgers"?
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anyone who votes conservative or Brexit = tax dodger. Anyone who votes labour or remain = following sound financial advice
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I thought you'd be familiar with Ecclestone, the Labour Party donor.

The one where he hoped to get an easy ride on tobacco sponsorship, and Labour returned his money?

Did the Cons return much of the money donated by Russian oligarchs?
Sure - "we only accept secret loans" ;) not large donations, Bernie.

They are all as bad as each other.
The one where he hoped to get an easy ride on tobacco sponsorship, and Labour returned his money?

Did the Cons return much of the money donated by Russian oligarchs?

You must have missed that.
I want change.. Just not in the form of higher taxes and nanny state policies.

oh dear JohnD is talking to himself again.
The Cons did not reject or return it.

Bit of a difference, eh? Kind of motorbiking to raise the topic of sleaze.

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What’s your definition of a "tax dodger"? Someone who avoids tax or someone who evades tax?
Going by @JohnD's 'avoidance' of this question, I think it safe to assume legal Tory tax avoidance has been employed. Just as everyone does when filling in their tax returns. No story really, just done on a larger scale with bigger savings that we can achieve. Still, any chance of calling a Tory a 'tax dodger' has to be taken, eh Johnny boy?
I want change.. Just not in the form of higher taxes and nanny state policies.

oh dear JohnD is talking to himself again.

What change do you want. Examples?

Interesting to hear.

What do you consider nanny state policies - seems something from a DM headline.
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