Should multinationals and multibillionaires pay fair tax?

wants people to work 60 hrs per week.
Maybe he thinks everybody is a trades person. I have come across some who do 6days if enough work / help fit jobs in even 7.

Enough work to justify the extra hours is a problem for many people. That being set by the company they work for who employ a suitable number of people to meet what ever the demand is.. Overtime sometimes being used if needed for unusual circumstances. Too much of that and time for more people.

Manufacture has used another method. Piece time (Piece Work). A set number of parts are needed from them each day. Once done they are finished for the day. It's usually applied on work that is repetative, hand movements etc. People can get rather efficient with jobs like that so both the person and the company benefit and they get the number of bits they need. There would be no point what so ever in the person producing more.
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did you miss the 's' of the end of 'math' or was that an intentional americanism?

my point remains, if someone can do 4 * 10 hour days per week, then they should be able to do 5 or 6. If our country is going to get out of the mess we are in we should be working harder.
only working 4 out of 7 days is like being on some sort of holiday - no wonder we're going down the pan as a nation
People need to work smarter rather than longer.
If it was just case of working longer hours and less regulation,then countries like Bangladesh would be the richest countries in the world.
People need to work smarter rather than longer.
If it was just case of working longer hours and less regulation,then countries like Bangladesh would be the richest countries in the world.
we used to laugh at the Taiwanese, the Japanese, the Chinese for their toil, but they were jut working hard, and hard work pays off, and look at them now, look a their heels, they have all over-took us. we're too busy getting fat and bolshie. And our very strange new government is pandering to this nonsense
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we used to laugh at the Taiwanese, the Japanese, the Chinese for their toil, but they were jut working hard, and hard work pays off, and look at them now, look a their heels, they have all over-took us. we're too busy getting fat and bolshie. And our very strange new government is pandering to this nonsense
How many hours should an average working week be do you think ?

40, 50, 60, 70, 80 ?
The 4-day week is more likely for work-at-home techy types rather than your average Amazon box long as the multinationals and multimillionaires pay their fair share of tax then why worry about a 4-day week: y'all looking down the wrong end of a telescope.
we used to laugh at the Taiwanese, the Japanese
You may have but at what point?

Taiwan was a cheap labour area but did have some manufacture which has expanded since and in different areas. Some of the stuff they used to export now comes from China. That stuff from Taiwan became more and more expensive. At one point one of our larger companies, Lucas moved all of their bread and butter production there.

Japan. Initially it was mostly optically relate stuff with their famous inspected sticker on it. Cheaper than other sources. Motorcycles - well they used better manufacturing techniques is one aspect. The other is outfits like Toyota. initially sized to service Japan now the largest in the world. Initially the investment money came from their banks. They also used a parental company approach - job for life much like some UK companies used to. Theirs was a more extreme version but that ended a while ago now.

What ever country is concerned increasing exports figures highly. UK - well some departed and did the work elsewhere as it was cheaper others dropped out as thought they could not compete with imports. To do that there may have been some success if more investments went in. They didn't. Manufacture needs supply chains. As manufacture drops off they do as well. It's interesting to compare the UK with Germany.
But there are lots of people who turn up for those hours but don’t do much
What particular field are these people working in? You don't think companies and various jobs don't have performance targets? Or that jobs provided are intended to meet needs?
How many hours should an average working week be do you think ?

40, 50, 60, 70, 80 ?
Mostly about 60 (10 to 12 hours a day 6 days a week) and rarely got any holidays -

the UK needs a better work ethic, people expect too much for little work
Mostly about 60 (10 to 12 hours a day 6 days a week) and rarely got any holidays -

the UK needs a better work ethic, people expect too much for little work
You can back to the victorian days if you want.

If a person cant earn enough in 40 hours (or thereabouts) then the costs of living are too high.

If a business cant earn enough from a worker working 40 hours then it's not a competitive business.

More hours doesn't always produce the same output when you factor in tiredness, boredom etc.
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