You don't spell parakeets as "Pakistanis".It was about Green Parrots
Which is not racist.
You don't go on to reinforce the conflation between immigrants and eating pet food.
A well known racist trope from the 1960's.
Another claimed: "They're content with Kitekat [cat food] and dog food, instead of ordinary meat."
England in 1966: Racism and ignorance in the Midlands
Fifty years ago a groundbreaking documentary shone a spotlight on to a West Midlands town as racial tensions reached boiling point.
Another well known racist trope from the 1960's.
"They should live in a district by themselves. They're not clean," one young mother told the documentary.
England in 1966: Racism and ignorance in the Midlands
Fifty years ago a groundbreaking documentary shone a spotlight on to a West Midlands town as racial tensions reached boiling point.
You went on to conflate the implication with asylum seekers
Racism is still rife today. Your trivialising of it enobles racism.
You've been trying to excuse it ever since you wrote it.