Biden got one thing right ...

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
... and I admit it made me chuckle.

When giving his press conference at the end of the NATO summit, he was speaking about all the campaigning he's doing, traveling here and there. He then referred to Trump, rhetorically asking the press bods

What's he doing? Sitting in his golf buggy filling out his score card before he's hit a ball ...
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At least Trump is able to do that! Biden wouldnt even be able to find his card! Lol
Or another thing wrong

Mr Biden introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as "President Putin", prompting loud gasps in the audience.

We all get it wrong and make mistakes but this seems to be more than that.
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After bidens daft comments to Trump about golf .
Trump has offered biden a 20 shot advantage for a golf match and with 1 million dollars to charity if biden beats him. Bidens cronies have got the golf buggy into reverse trying to get away from seepy joes stupid golf comments
The real problem is that Trump will get elected president not because of what he stands for but because he is not Biden.
Is his gaffe referring to Zelensky as Putin the last straw?
He noticed that one. There was another similar one. Names came out that figure highly in his thoughts. Otherwise he talked at length and in detail on a number of subjects without any problems at all. It was a press conference. Maybe they just asked about him stepping down not policy - the aspect he is famed for since taking over from Trump.

:) Meanwhile some of his party are campaigning for Trump.

Zelensky money wise is getting a small fraction of what he wants.
Biden is still better than Trump, but he's unelectable and clearly not as sharp as he used to be or needs to be.
Absolutely ridiculous what his family are putting him through for power and prestige . Get him the care he needs
Biden is still better than Trump, but he's unelectable and clearly not as sharp as he used to be or needs to be.
I think a lot of voters worry he won't live long enough to serve out another term.
He should step aside and let George Clooney run.
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