Biden sanctions violent terrorists

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"Joe Biden has approved financial sanctions on Israelis responsible for “extremist settler violence” against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank, amid rising tensions between the US and Israel over a two-state solution in the region.

Biden signed an executive order on Thursday authorising the sanctions, which would cut off designated individuals from the US financial system, including barring them from receiving financial assistance from the US.

The new sanctions amount to a broader US crackdown on the conduct of settlers in the West Bank compared with visa restrictions imposed on certain individuals late last year.

Biden’s move comes amid fears in Washington that violence by settlers in the West Bank is exacerbating tensions caused by the war in Gaza, undermining the prospects for a future settlement of the conflict.

Washington is also frustrated that Benjamin Netanyahu’s Israeli government has rejected its vision for a diplomatic resolution that would involve the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

A senior Biden administration official said that Biden had expressed his concern about settler violence in the West Bank “in almost every diplomatic conversation” he had with Israeli leaders about the crisis."
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Washington is also frustrated that Benjamin Netanyahu’s Israeli government has rejected its vision for a diplomatic resolution that would involve the creation of an independent Palestinian state.

They've been offered their own state 5 times now, it would appear they don't want it.

The Arab Higher Committee, the Arab League and other Arab leaders and governments rejected it on the basis that Arabs formed a two-thirds majority and owned a majority of the lands.

The Palestinian Arab leadership rejected partition as unacceptable, given the inequality in the proposed population exchange and the transfer of one-third of Palestine, including most of its best agricultural land, to recent immigrants.

No Justice.No Peace.@Al Jazeera

The sanctions marked a rare step by the US targeting Israelis. It comes as Mr Biden travels to the state of Michigan, which has a large Arab-American population that has been critical of his support for Israel.

The Arab American Institute, an advocacy group, earlier said that since the start of the conflict, support by Arab Americans for the Democratic Party has plummeted from 59% in 2020 to just 17%.
They've been offered their own state 5 times now, it would appear they don't want it.

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They've been offered their own state 5 times now, it would appear they don't want it.

Over the decades, Israel have been wanting more and more land and have been resorting to underhand and inhumane tactics to achieve their aims.

Do you really think Israel have been generous in their 5 offers?
Over the decades, Israel have been wanting more and more land and have been resorting to underhand and inhumane tactics to achieve their aims.

Do you really think Israel have been generous in their 5 offers?

Well, the first 2 of the offers didn't come from Israel, didn't the further 3 offers meet with refusal because the arabs simply wouldn't recognise Israel or it's right to exist?

Israel was offered statehood by the UN, it graciously accepted and went on to prosper. The arabs were offered statehood, they turned it down choosing war instead, multiple times.

I don't personally sanction the settlements in the West Bank or seizure of property, on the other hand, look what happened in Gaza when Israel destroyed all Jewish settlements and evicted the tenants (with compensation) and completely withdrew their military, Hamas were elected and Gaza became a centre for the manufacture and export of rockets.

At what point do you think a country loses it's right to defend itself, and Israel has a very long history of defending itself.

Proportion of response? the US lost 3 Navy Seals last week, I suspect a few more than 3 terrorists will be neutralised in response, and fair play to them.
Talk on the news of what is referred to as diplomatic back channels between the US and the mad mullahs in Iran

Sort of notification of what the US are going to attack or intend to attack???

So they can in theory get certain assets out of harms way ?? Or move personnel ? In an effort to stop escalation ????

Jeez us wept
Talk on the news of what is referred to as diplomatic back channels between the US and the mad mullahs in Iran

Sort of notification of what the US are going to attack or intend to attack???

So they can in theory get certain assets out of harms way ?? Or move personnel ? In an effort to stop escalation ????

Jeez us wept

I got that impression, US and the Mad Mullahs save face, a strike back that doesn't do too much harm, winner winner chicken dinner, unless you're stood where the rockets land. My only concern is that not enough terrorists will be neutralised.
I got that impression, US and the Mad Mullahs save face, a strike back that doesn't do too much harm, winner winner chicken dinner, unless you're stood where the rockets land. My only concern is that not enough terrorists will be neutralised.
America will be circumspect in its response. It cannot afford a wider war in the region but must be seen to take action in order to reassure allies, so a quiet word at the embassy will allow Iran advance notice of selected targets in order to minimalise casualties while a surprise target is kept in their pocket to make sure an even response is seen to be done.
Confrontation with the mad mullers is inevitable
( at some point)

May as well bring it on and target the mad mullers directly

Biggest bombing campaign in the history of bombing campaigns ??
Proportion of response? the US lost 3 Navy Seals last week, I suspect a few more than 3 terrorists will be neutralised in response, and fair play to them.
Your confusing reports. A couple of seals were lost in the red sea no details given. Then 3 USA soldiers in a base. They thought the drone that killed them was their own returning. The USA intend to strike back in Syria and Iraq. The USA defence sec. sounded rather confused when interviewed about it.
The arabs were offered statehood, they turned it down choosing war instead, multiple times.
As I have pointed out before the State of Palestine has been recognised for rather a long time. It ended up being the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. This is why the annexing of the West Bank is illegal.

Gaza when Israel destroyed all Jewish settlements and evicted the tenants
Actually I think a bit of that went on in the West Bank, Now - things have become rather blurred. Tricky to find out what is going on in this respect. However some factiions of the settlers obviously don't want any Palestinians there and those that are there have to face a number of odd factors that are down to Israeli rule. East Jerusalem has also been settled. It's supposed to be purely Arab. Tricky city. Ideal solution was seen as being under international rule due to religious issues. Those even crop up in the West Bank.

If you want to get a clearer view of the West Bank it needs a bit of reading - a snippet
The International Court of Justice ruling of 9 July 2004, however, found that the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is territory held by Israel under military occupation, regardless of its status prior to it coming under Israeli occupation, and that the Fourth Geneva convention applies de jure.[63] The international community regards the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) as territories occupied by Israel

What is the purpose of these various international courts. You might conclude that they are there for western politics to use or ignore as it suites them at the time. Take the more recent ruling concerning aid. Given that UNRWA people have been summarily dismissed does it make sense to cut off donations to them.

Also the Hague court's mention of the destruction of infrastructure. It's still going on.
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