Pro-Palestine Protests

I voted for Brexit, because i thought that the British people as a whole should decide how Britain would be run for the benefit of the whole population.
I now believe that on the day of the Brexit referendum i should have stayed in Wetherspoons, because by the time i got back from voting, the special offer on Bells whiskey had expired but as a British citizen i thought, the sacrifice was worth it.
Since then i have realised that my vote isn't even worth a £1.89 Bells whiskey +mixer.
Is it any wonder that people don't want to vote.
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Bush baby was, but the point stands...regime change in the region led to all kindsa chaos. But it seems you're quite the fan, Captain Chaos.

The point doesn't stand, Vinty suggested if Trump is elected he would blow up the middle east, whereas his track record suggests the opposite.
The point doesn't stand, Vinty suggested if Trump is elected he would blow up the middle east, whereas his track record suggests the opposite.

"I think Trump (and others, many in the middle east) recognise that Iran needs to be taken out to stabilise the region." sez you - do you mean 'taken out' in the sense of wined and dined then a night of clubbing before gettin' back to yours?:unsure:
Under Trump's last Presidency Israel normalised normalised relations with The United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, and Bahrain. Saudi suspended negotiations because of the war with Hamas but that will resume when this conflict is over. Iran had difficulty funding terror because of the sanctions Trump imposed on them.
You're obviously happy to see the Houthi's holding the world's shipping to ransom while Hezollah srtike from the north.

I think Trump (and others, many in the middle east) recognise that Iran needs to be taken out to stabilise the region.
Most of these countries you mention are not 'democratic ' but then again even the democracies aren't democratic.
The problem is while the elites may want some sort of deal, the populations of their respective countries are pro Palestinian, which is understandable as share a common Muslim identity.
Having said that, Trump made a big mistake by gifting the whole of Jerusalem to Israel, at the time Trump said that all the talk of a backlash against his actions was nonsense.
At the time the Palestinian reaction was strangely muted this seemed to confirm that Trump was right once again.
However the October 7th attacks were not not planned overnight, it appears that Palestinians came to the conclusion that something more than just pointless protests and blood letting was required.
The October 7th attacks have been years in preparation, they are in part the response to Trumps largesse to Netanyahu.
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"I think Trump (and others, many in the middle east) recognise that Iran needs to be taken out to stabilise the region." sez you - do you mean 'taken out' in the sense of wined and dined then a night of clubbing before gettin' back to yours?:unsure:
Iraq was 'taken out', Libya was 'taken out', attempted take out of Syria by proxies.
Now Iran is on the hit list.
Despite all the successes of these so called ' coalitions of the willing', Israel, on October 7th suffered the worst terrorist atrocity in its history.
The net result of all these exertions by the vested interests is just wrecked countries and dead Muslims all over the place.
Israel and Jews are no safer today than before.
"UNESCO adds 3 Arab sites to World Heritage List"

27 July

"The UNESCO World Heritage Committee, during its 46th session in New Delhi, India, announced the inclusion of three new Arab sites to the World Heritage List. The sites are the Monastery of Saint Hilarion/Tell Umm Amer in Palestine, Umm el Jimal City in Jordan, and the Cultural Landscape of Al Faw Archaeological Area in Saudi Arabia."

One of them is in Gaza, so if it has not already been destroyed, like so many non-Jewish sites, it is liable to be littered with rotting corpses and legless children.
On Saturday the protesters took their place on the steps outside the National Museum of Scotland.


It didn't hit the headlines, of course, as nobody threw bricks or set fire to bins.
I'd call it a peaceful protest.
It's great to see such things

By people opposed to racism, apartheid and genocide

While the violent neofascist rioters are locked up for their criminal hatred
Lies from the forum troll, I'm all in favour of peaceful protest. As long as they don't incite hatred of innocent people or call for people's throats to be cut or houses to be burned.
As long as they don't incite hatred of innocent people or call for people's throats to be cut or houses to be burned.

No, I don't support Israel's actions in Palestine and the theft of the West Bank either.
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