Biden to go?

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
Who thinks he should go? I’m not a fan of Trump but if I had to pick one right now, I’d pick him. Joe just seems too 'out of it' to be running a country. I also think that if he did win, he wouldn’t see his term out. What do others think?
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Who thinks he should go? I’m not a fan of Trump but if I had to pick one right now, I’d pick him. Joe just seems too 'out of it' to be running a country. I also think that if he did win, he wouldn’t see his term out. What do others think?
Agree. I thought he was too old 4 years ago.
I wonder how much actual "running the country" presidents do, is it like a company where the senior directors are getting past it and the next generation are actually making the decisions
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Biden's done, I think even he realises it now. More than a few top Democrats are now apparently telling him so.

It's not all to do with age. What I mean by that is some 81 year old people are still, all things considered, still sharp and in good physical shape. Whatever's going on with Biden, he's not in that bracket and it ain't going to improve.
I'd choose anyone but Trump.
It's not so much about their daily decisions, it's more about their ideology, and their behaviour.
I wonder how much actual "running the country" presidents do, is it like a company where the senior directors are getting past it and the next generation are actually making the decisions

Biden's done, I think even he realises it now. More than a few top Democrats are now apparently telling him so.

It's not all to do with age. What I mean by that is some 81 year old people are still, all things considered, still sharp and in good physical shape. Whatever's going on with Biden, he's not in that bracket and it ain't going to improve.
It's about who they choose to surround themselves with, those who share their ideology.

And in times of the preferred candidate about to obviously lose, one has to resort to tactical voting.
I wonder how much actual "running the country" presidents do, is it like a company where the senior directors are getting past it and the next generation are actually making the decisions

What Doubtfyre said.

As it was with Bozo, and his bunch as lackwit hornsmokers.

Bozza could (did) fook all, yet the hornsmokers still managed to set the country on a path to Shoitesville, on his behalf.
And, after he went, the dregs carried on dragging us downwards, as there was no-one with any sense anywhere near the levers of power.
If I was American I would be voting for Trump, he will be good for the US - but I'm not so I am hoping for anyone other than Trump, Trump won't be helping our failing country and a war with Russia is not what we need.
The problem his successor has, is its probably too late to derail Trump.

But Biden, has had it.
Each time Biden makes a mistake, he hands more votes to Trump

Surely he has to be advised to step down.
If I was American I would be voting for Trump, he will be good for the US - but I'm not so I am hoping for anyone other than Trump, Trump won't be helping our failing country and a war with Russia is not what we need.

What good will Trump do? What good did he do last time?
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