
Biden us a decent enough bloke
He has made gaffs nothing new they all do from time to time take George Dubya he was pretty hopeless
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Joe Biden was well known for his gaffs before he became VP to long as his nurse is nearby to provide adequate medication he's ok.
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Trump: Grab em by the pussy vs Biden: smelling a kids hair.

Who would you leave in a room with your kids?
Shame is not that the septics keep electing the dribbling, the geriatric, the moronic (perm all three from three, if you like).....

Shame is that the rest of the world is saddled with them too.
The USA have the choice between the demented and the dementia. Seems to me that they have a better choice than us :ROFLMAO:
Biden,s making sensible foreign policy decisions atm, unlike Trumpf’s latest anecdote about how he would encourage russia to attack any nato country that didnt pay its dues. Unhinged on the major world issues vs forgetful on minor things like name of Mexico’s president is not the best choice, but at the same time its a no brainer.
One thing about Sleepy Joe is he has always been a conservationist which is probably why he showered with his teenage daughter trying to save water
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