Bin Lid is no more...

To be fair to soldiers they are basically cannon fodder for the desires of the rich, powerful and influential..namely big business and politicians (often the same thing)

They cant even be bothered to equip them properly which sums upwhat they really think of them

its a mugs game

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I know you possibly never have been in a situation that might call for you to question orders , or perhaps you have ,but may i ask what would you do if you got an order through and you knew that there would be a lot more innocent deaths of women and children than the enemy , if any enemy deaths?

In the Armed Forces, you don't question orders, you carry them out. The time for questions come after your orders have been carried out.
Let me ask you this,,, If a soldier gets orders to shoot, carries that order out and kills some innocent civilians,, Who's to blame?
I was only following orders is not a defence anymore. I think the precedent was set during the Nurenburg trials.
I was only following orders is not a defence anymore. I think the precedent was set during the Nurenburg trials.

Actually, it depends on all of the circumstances at the time.

However, you can't compare what Nazis did in concentration camps with what our troops do on the battle field in current and recent conflicts.

1. Soldier accidentally discharges his weapon on a live firing exercise killing a friend. No disciplinary action taken.

2. Soldier accidentally discharges his weapon, on a live firing exercise firing it into the air, no one hurt. He ended up being court martialed and did eighteen months in prison.

Both of the above are true incidents. But without all of the facts, it really looks like the wrong person went to jail.
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I know you possibly never have been in a situation that might call for you to question orders , or perhaps you have ,but may i ask what would you do if you got an order through and you knew that there would be a lot more innocent deaths of women and children than the enemy , if any enemy deaths?

In the Armed Forces, you don't question orders, you carry them out. The time for questions come after your orders have been carried out.
Let me ask you this,,, If a soldier gets orders to shoot, carries that order out and kills some innocent civilians,, Who's to blame?

I suppose , as our resident forces man said its all circumstantial and not black and white.
But I would hazard a guess that the soldier may be the one to take the fall?
I would have thought though that it is down to the judgement of the person in the field?
It's just been announced that the Irish Army helped American efforts to track down the most wanted man in the world last Sunday,,, Unfortunately they raided Debenhams after hearing that "Summer Bed Linen" was on the third floor. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Apparently the brits were the first to try to bury bin laden at sea but they failed miserably,

Every time they tried to dig some water out the hole just filled back up again.
At least they got the water out quicker than the paddy's did....they were using a fork instead of a spade though.
Well the Whitehouse have finally released his picture!!!!

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