black smoke boiler problem

I don't think its having a fault stance Softus, I think the fault is there all the time and progressively gets worse with the build up of soot.
By "faulty state", I meant when it's belching out the black smoke, as opposed to when it's not belching out the black smoke.
By "faulty state", I meant when it's belching out the black smoke, as opposed to when it's not belching out the black smoke.

Yes I realised that but what is causing the black smoke ? Obviously not something breaking down so the fault must be present. A slow shut-off or a worn atomiser would do it.
By "faulty state", I meant when it's belching out the black smoke, as opposed to when it's not belching out the black smoke.
Yes I realised that but what is causing the black smoke?
I think there are many possibilities.

Obviously not something breaking down so the fault must be present.
I don't yet see why it couldn't be a capacitor breaking down.

A slow shut-off or a worn atomiser would do it.
I think there are many possibilities.

The problem needs working through, eliminating the easy ones and the more likely ones, until the cause is found.

Who knows - perhaps "idontknowanything" (or whatever his name is) is correct when he says that it's under-aired and over-aired and under-aired and over-aired. Anything is possible, except the rather amusing theory that some air being in the oil line equates to over-airing.
If it was under or over aired the it wouldn't burn clean, and the printout would show it up.

Something is contaminating the combustion chamber, and it can only be fuel related, and that has to be incomplete combustion
What is missing in this discussion is exactly what the oil technician finds when he calls every Friday and what he does to correct the problem for exactly seven days!

Perhaps the Aga suggestion is actually valid anmd something in the kitchen is different on Friday.

For example perhaps they are Jewish and doing all the shabat cooking early on Fridays thus using more oil on Fridays?

...or the local LV supply is higher on Fridays, causing a breakdown in the motor capacitor.
you guys

all theoretical isnt it.

missing clue is the print out

ridiculous figures

O2 should be 4% for optimumn combustion
if its wrong at that firgure there problems
ie the fame isnt stable
for instance impingement would mean oil was striking either the break plate or sides of the combustion chamber.
wrong ange nozzle

the figures indicate combustion being over aired.
however its not that simple.

it varies

the suggestion is that the aga is alowing air to mix with the oil

the foam it would create is so small that the pump only sightly cavitates
but only as an occaisional event

so a true over air situation does not exist
what we get is unstable flame hence no white smoke but soot
funny stuff combustion aint it
whatdo iknow said:
all theoretical isnt it.

the figures indicate combustion being over aired.
So your theory is that it's over-aired?

however its not that simple.
Ah. Not then.

it varies
...right arm in, yer right arm out, in, out, in, out...

the suggestion is that the aga is alowing air to mix with the oil
That's merely one of the suggestions, not the suggestion.

...a true over air situation does not exist
So that would make this a, erm, false over-air situation?

funny stuff combustion aint it
...knees bend, arms stretch, rah, rah, rah!
clearly as ive only been at it for the last 25yrs i will have to bow to your superiour knowledge and experience softlad
perhaps you can start with a lesson on how to segment peoples posts in that particularly irritating manner.
or we could just not and say we did, and you could go and prat around with other peoples posts?
clearly as ive only been at it for the last 25yrs i will have to bow to your superiour knowledge and experience
If your experience is as valuable as your limp sarcasm implies, then why did you think that there were two sets of readings?

perhaps you can start with a lesson on how to segment peoples posts in that particularly irritating manner.
Are you particularly irritated by the quoting, or is it really the fact that my suggestion happens to be valid? I note that you haven't come with any reason for it being invalid.

or we could just not and say we did, and you could go and prat around with other peoples posts?
The 'pratting around' is merely a reflection of your frequent U turns on the matter of over-/under-airing. If you hadn't been such a complete ar*e in response to my first post then we wouldn't be having this dialogue, but you just had to go brandishing your supposed expertise and pretending that you know everything, whereas in fact you're running along behind oilman like a simpering idiot.

Without more information from the OP, there's little more theory that can be discussed - there are too many unknown factors and too many untested possibilities. If your experience counted for anything, then you could have given the OP a fault-finding procedure that would lead to a certain outcome, but instead of being helpful you're just randomly mooting alternative causes in a baffling and self-conflicting manner. If you post a just a weensy bit more information then you could probably claim to have covered the entire catalogue of oil-fired burner misdemeanors, using every word in the relevant technical dictionary (albeit in your unique lexicographically-challenged little way).

So if you want to keep changing your mind about the amount of airing then go right ahead, but you gave up your right to object to my posts the instant that you rained down your obnoxious and, frankly, barely literate opinion on someone who was just trying to help.


Indeed I did. Your point being... ?
...or the local LV supply is higher on Fridays, causing a breakdown in the motor capacitor.

Might be something to do with all this work we'er doing for the grid then :rolleyes:

The point being you missed the comment in your quote.

We are working for the grid all week and go home fridays, I was being funny HaHaHa suggesting it could be my fault then
doitall said:
The point being you missed the comment in your quote.
Ah. Sorry. It looks like you edited your post then. ;)

We are working for the grid all week and go home fridays, I was being funny HaHaHa suggesting it could be my fault then
I reckon everything is your fault J! You're old enough, aren't you? :D

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