Boris accused of breaking the law again

As you would expect I know quite a few people who had no jabs like myself, and none have suffered from anything but normal health issues...
In contrast, I got double-jabbed with Astra-Zeneca's garbage, against my will, after it started to be heavily implied that I may not be able to go shopping for life's essentials if I didn't comply.

I got covid about 3 months after the second jab, while supposedly in the peak of its protection. It was pretty horrible, obviously I didn't die but the severity and symptoms were the same as the known levels for someone of my age and fitness without the vaccine. Death was always an extremely unlikely possibility for my age group without it anyway, I gave in to supposedly protect others.

It was useless, and I regret not sticking to my principles. I gave in to pressure, and will remember this experience the next time I get told what to do with my body by government idiots with close associations with the drugs industry.
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Can you expand on that?
I believe because bojo persuaded richie rich sunak to allocate public to money to fund his defense, further documents had to be passed on to the prosecuting authorities...

It will hopefully mean that bojo through greed will end up hoisted on his own petard!
I got covid about 3 months after the second jab, while supposedly in the peak of its protection. It was pretty horrible, obviously I didn't die but the severity and symptoms were the same as the known levels for someone of my age and fitness. Death was always an extremely unlikely possibility for my age group without it anyway, I gave in to supposedly protect others.
Define extremely unlikely here?
It was useless, and I regret not sticking to my principles. I gave in to pressure, and will remember this experience the next time I get told what to do with my body by government idiots with close associations with the drugs industry.
To be fair it was easy to be sucked in by the propaganda...

Luckily with good inside info and resolute friends I didn't give in and as such am not in the virus paranoia zone!

Sadly this isn't a popular view, and often gets the censor treatment!
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I believe because bojo persuaded richie rich sunak to allocate public to money to fund his defense, further documents had to be passed on to the prosecuting authorities...

It will hopefully mean that bojo through greed will end up hoisted on his own petard!
Doesn't matter who funds it and BoJos lawyers have contacted plod.

There are certain protections, summarised here.

I had some distant involvement in the AZ vaccine development (contracts stuff), I was surprised at the time how all the big companies set aside their desire to make millions and just fix the problem. Sure there was PR to be had, and we all had a vested interest of fixing the pandemic before the western economy went bankrupt. I can honestly say everyone involved was focussing on the problem, not the opportunity.

There was nothing junk about the AZ vaccine - it was a not invented here mentality, which meant confidence was lost. They absolutely hit the brief and AZ vaccines is/was being used in poorer countries due to its robust transportation capability.
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The Times give a different explanation of how it came to light. They say the Cabinet Office were going through Alex/Boris ministerial diary, in preparation for the COVID inquiry, and that's where they saw the suspicious entries.
The Times give a different explanation of how it came to light. They say the Cabinet Office were going through Alex/Boris ministerial diary, in preparation for the COVID inquiry, and that's where they saw the suspicious entries.
Ah, so you believe the torygraph?

But whatever the source it appears bojo repeatedly broke his own rules...

What do you think his punishment should be?
He should stand as leader of the conservatives after the next GE. He will likely win (again).
He should stand as leader of the conservatives after the next GE. He will likely win (again).
As history tells us, there is a large proportion of the electorate who are just plain stupid!
Ah, so you believe the torygraph?

But whatever the source it appears bojo repeatedly broke his own rules...

What do you think his punishment should be?

He should get a £10K fine for each occurrence.

It would be hilarious if the reason was his own greed. But it doesn't look like that was the case. His state provided legal fees, I think, are just for the Privileges Committee inquiry. I believe, although the reporting is a bit confusing, that the Cabinet Office were checking his ministerial diary as part of the preparation for the COVID public inquiry.

Isn't the Torygraph the Telegraph?
Luckily with good inside info

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