Bounce or no bounce?

3 Sep 2022
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United Kingdom
The limited number of polls since the Democratic convention are giving mixed messages as to whether Kamala Harris got a bounce or whether it's been cancelled out by Kennedy voters switching to Trump.

Harris is giving her first major interview today alongside Tim Walz. I think it's with Dana Bash from CNN.
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In terms of undecided voters, her interviews and debates with Trump from hereon in could make or break it for her. The conventions can almost be ignored as they're preaching to the converted.
Pundits reckon she needs one more % on this to be significant - the national poll.

There is a view that Kennedy voters will split 50 - 50. A don't want Trump effect.

The page shows the swings as well., Some from Arizona were interviewed. Some don't want what doesn't work hence it's now an even match. Rusty walls got a mention.
Yep Dana bash who vance put her in her place last week in an interview . I see Kamala is stealing another Trump policy after decrying it at every opportunity in the past she now wants to build a wall. . She does more u turns than a London taxi
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she now wants to build a wall.
Get a grip of the true situation. Harris came up with a tougher boarder policy. Repub's not happy so to get some of it through they extended funds for wall building. LOL The video on this link explains
Get a grip of the true situation. Harris came up with a tougher boarder policy. Repub's not happy so to get some of it through they extended funds for wall building. LOL The video on this link explains
so she is now wanting to build a wall yes or no ?
What is it under biden /harris coming on for 10 million and already been illegally giving some of them the right to vote
so she is now wanting to build a wall yes or no ?
What is it under biden /harris coming on for 10 million and already been illegally giving some of them the right to vote
As lines of attack go, this is weak tea.
Republicans came up with a border security bill* supported by the dems. Trump said 'No!' Killed it.

Harris is consistently 3+% up on Donny. Not far from moving out of the margin of error. Consistently.

*most far reaching in decades.
Got a link?
I'd like to see his link. Meanwhile, i did find this....

In 2002, John Judis and Ruy Teixeira authored The Emerging Democratic Majority, which argued (among other factors) that the increase of non-white American citizens would give Democrats an enduring electoral advantage into the future. This book was considered a roadmap for some Democrats and may have inadvertently given rise to the far-right conspiracy theory that Democrats are trying to “replace” white people with voters of color. But to be clear, Judis and Teixeira pointed to many other demographic factors that would help Democrats beyond the racial breakdown of the population. They also understood that only legal immigrants had the ability to become citizens and vote in federal elections. And they also recanted and amended their findings as they wrestled with their hypothesis against real world outcomes.

We have avoided using terms like and oth“replacement theory,” “racism,” and “xenophobia” to describe the views of Elon Muskers who have been promoting the view that illegal immigration is a deliberate plot to dilute red state power, though we could have. But we are not avoiding the word “wrong.” Their analysis and their conclusions about illegal immigration and apportionment are simply wrong.
so she is now wanting to build a wall yes or no ?
It's a question of which bill she will introduce. She does appear to say she will be introducing one. There seems to be little point in introducing the one with money for the wall. It needed the wall part to achieve that due to a feature of US politics. The president can find themselves unable to enforce their intentions due to voting on other positions. Eg Trump holding up money to Ukraine via the Speaker is one way it can be done.

However and why
In February 2024 and again in May 2024, Republicans in the Senate blocked a border security billl Biden had pushed for to reduce the number of migrants who can claim asylum at the border and provide more money for Customs and Border Protection officials, asylum officers, immigration judges and scanning technology at the border.[65] It was negotiated in a bipartisan manner and initially looked like it had the votes to pass until Donald Trump opposed it, citing that it would boost Biden's reelection chances.[66][65][67] Five senators on the left voted against it for not providing enough relief for migrants already in the United States.[65]

The wall money is only there to try and get the repubs to accept it.

Trump - well not much mention of the wall now. Switched to deporting criminal immigrants. ;) The video makes a point about that. Also the number coming dropping but not the number of deportations that have actually been pretty high.

It's a question of which bill she will introduce. She does appear to say she will be introducing one. There seems to be little point in introducing the one with money for the wall. It needed the wall part to achieve that due to a feature of US politics. The president can find themselves unable to enforce their intentions due to voting on other positions. Eg Trump holding up money to Ukraine via the Speaker is one way it can be done.

However and why
In February 2024 and again in May 2024, Republicans in the Senate blocked a border security billl Biden had pushed for to reduce the number of migrants who can claim asylum at the border and provide more money for Customs and Border Protection officials, asylum officers, immigration judges and scanning technology at the border.[65] It was negotiated in a bipartisan manner and initially looked like it had the votes to pass until Donald Trump opposed it, citing that it would boost Biden's reelection chances.[66][65][67] Five senators on the left voted against it for not providing enough relief for migrants already in the United States.[65]

The wall money is only there to try and get the repubs to accept it.

Trump - well not much mention of the wall now. Switched to deporting criminal immigrants. ;) The video makes a point about that. Also the number coming dropping but not the number of deportations that have actually been pretty high.

Yep they rejected it because although it says to reduce the numbers the numbers had got ridiculous and the republicans said the reduced numbers were still far too high .
I would imagine the emphasis is now on deporting them seeing as so many have got in with south american countries emptying their jails etc look at the amount of chinese that are attempting and getting in . There is tens of thousands of young fighting age men they even had their own secret police stations . Should America be worried about that i would say yes
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