Bounce or no bounce?

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Latest polls show Harris at 47.2% and Trump at 43.7% after Harris and Walz enjoy a smooth ride during their first interview together on CNN. Take a look at the key elements from the most in-depth interview to date @Al Jazz...

She and Walz gave a nod to their signature policy proposals, including a child tax credit, lowering grocery costs and increasing construction to address a housing shortage in the country. Harris also said she would strike a different tone than Trump did in the White House. “When I look at the aspirations, the goals, the ambitions of the American people, I think people are ready for a new way forward,” she said.

Later, when asked about comments Trump made questioning her racial identity, Harris swatted away his remarks: “Same old tired playbook. Next question, please.”
Latest polls show Harris at 47.2% and Trump at 43.7%
Even Fox news are showing Harris favourably in the polls. Says a lot. Over half a billion dollars down, because of fat orange idiot and yet they still (grudgingly) give him air time. The RWR of America are a special bunch. I think the orange idiots' lies have cost him, Fox, Rudy and others in excess of a billion dollars, so far. The US are sick of him and even those on the right are looking forward to the day he can no longer exhaust weary Americans.
Took her a while to agree to one and even then will only do it with someone holding her hand. It'll be interesting to see what effect it has on the polls.

A person with experience of being a state prosecutor and attorney general is not bothered by a media interview.
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improve from shyte to a slightly less better amount of shyte is still shyte.
Is that why the democrats are now stealing another trump policy of building a wall because it was politically in trumps favour
Gas112 is so dishonest he can’t admit the real reason Trump blocked the bill

This is how morally corrupt Trump supporters like gas112 really are
what bit of she is now in favour of the wall is not really true?
Trumps wall….that never worked

Trump supporters are truly fick

Trump says “I’m gonna build a wall”
Trump supporters say “oh my gosh that so clever, I’ll vote for that because I’m fick”
and even then will only do it with someone holding her hand.

It's the American way! Like Trump in 2016.

comedy Gold , you are the fool that just keeps on giving
Every post gas112 makes is supportive of Trump

Gas112 refuses to admit he supports Trump

Why is gas112 too embarrassed to admit he is a massive supporter of Trump?
Once again, Trump shoots himself in the foot. After weeks of him lowering expectations for the Kamala Harris interview, she came across as calm, serious, and unflappable, but also very relatable. And she was totally in command. Tim Walz only got to speak for about thirty seconds. I loved her "Next question" answer when the interviewer tried to drag her into Trump's culture wars nonsense.
Once again, Trump shoots himself in the foot. After weeks of him lowering expectations for the Kamala Harris interview, she came across as calm, serious, and unflappable, but also very relatable. And she was totally in command. Tim Walz only got to speak for about thirty seconds. I loved her "Next question" answer when the interviewer tried to drag her into Trump's culture wars nonsense.
Trump supporters like gas112 and Filly won’t be able to admit, Kamala Harris speaks clearly and comes across well whilst Trump is a train wreck in interviews
Even Fox news are showing Harris favourably in the polls. Says a lot. Over half a billion dollars down, because of fat orange idiot and yet they still (grudgingly) give him air time. The RWR of America are a special bunch. I think the orange idiots' lies have cost him, Fox, Rudy and others in excess of a billion dollars, so far. The US are sick of him and even those on the right are looking forward to the day he can no longer exhaust weary Americans.

I've seen some of the videos of Orange Tw@t's MAGA morons on YT.............

........they have to be setups.

Or, they are a whole other degree of "special"...............
Even Fox news are showing Harris favourably in the polls. Says a lot. Over half a billion dollars down, because of fat orange idiot and yet they still (grudgingly) give him air time. The RWR of America are a special bunch. I think the orange idiots' lies have cost him, Fox, Rudy and others in excess of a billion dollars, so far. The US are sick of him and even those on the right are looking forward to the day he can no longer exhaust weary Americans.
Fox News withdrew the Orange gimp's free pass after the last election when he instigated the Capitol insurrection. He can still parp his tiny horn to his heart's content but they will fact check what he says and call him out. Murdoch can't stand him either.
TBH I can't see any reason for people to be too concerned about who becomes president of the US other than as a point of discussion. Our main worry should be the USD going unstable as repercussions world wide could be severe.

The main difference is greening. Basic policies in other areas such as Israel are unlikely to change. Both like the ideas of tarrifs on China. China is preparing for war rather than trying to match the US for might. Ukraine - has Trump ever said what he will do? What he said last time has probably increased US arms sales.

LOL So the few that seem to want Trump tell us why. Not that any will.
LOL So the few that seem to want Trump tell us why. Not that any will.

For some, I think it's mainly about getting one over on the "lefties".

TBH I can't see any reason for people to be too concerned about who becomes president of the US other than as a point of discussion

Ukraine - has Trump ever said what he will do?

Sometimes, I try to convince myself that doesn't matter who wins. But the Ukraine example really encapsulates the problem. We don't know where he stands and he often changes his mind. Diplomacy requires consistency and stability. Trump doesn't really have any beliefs. He became anti-immigration because it polled well. He used to be strongly pro-choice, but once he had decided to run as a Republican he became strongly pro-life. The only thing we know about his views on Ukraine is that he refused to provide weapons unless Zelensky made up lies about the Bidens. He is so easy for powerful men to manipulate. Putin, Xi and Kim are rubbing their hands at the prospect of him being re-elected. The man child idiot calls them his "friends".
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