Breaking News (Rwanda policy)

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I suspect the same bunch moaning about immigrants are the morons who voted to pass control of our border to the french, France do you want loads of migrants.. Non...but what shall we do with them...Mon dieu I have a spanking idea....

How could the moron class not work out that a border has two sides...

Before we could just send them back to France now we have to send them to rwanda...and guess what will happen then...we will gain a massive undocumented immigrant population who will now just sneak in and not claim asylum, with who knows who mixed in with the migrants.

I just love the Tories..Oi you P&O, Truckers become our unpaid border force,if you let an immigrant on board without the proper documentation we will fine you 10k per person. What ! the have made their own rubber ferries.....ooooh why did we not think of that....Morons voted for by other morons...
especially from safe countries like Albania, are ILLEGALS.
Give a donkey a strawberry etc. Haven't you heard Albanians have been sorted. Some countries did that earlier mmm but seems they kept some. Probably many still in limbo land here but we do appear to accepted some.

Rwanda - aimed at boat people. Idea seemed to be take them fly them to Rwanda and dump them. Put them off. Long trip back. How many will Rwanda accept?

The other statement that has been made concerns totally legal routes to the UK. The boat lot aren't illegal really as they have no other method of applying plus conventions. So lets create some centres overseas where they can apply. Refugee camps would be a suitable place or embassies where they exist. Time will tell what this means in practice.

Then looks like we can expect some 100s of thousands anyway. Might be an exaggeration. Might not be. :) Processing much simpler.

:) Seems the USA needs 3,000,000 more workers. Did Trump shut off entry from S America to keep labour rates low? Does any country really want 100% employment levels?
Well the UK injustice system is simply following the rest of the UK into third world prejudice and squalor...

Rather ironic that having been born to immigrants from third world countries, cruella seems to revel in sending others off to another third world country!

But then she did join the nasty party, so what else could we expect!
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Nothing wrong with people from other countries applying for visas to come here to work and live. Paying someone 400 - 3k to smuggle you in illegally is obviously not the same.
Nothing wrong with people from other countries applying for visas to come here to work and live. Paying someone 400 - 3k to smuggle you in illegally is obviously not the same.
And there is the cannot apply for asylum at the port of entry because its illegal to carry a person who does not have the correct visa...hence P&O truckers etc etc are being border control and through what the tories thought was a clever ruse stopped immigrants from being able to apply at the port of entry...hence the plastic ferries....we have literally made asylum seekers illegal immigrants when they are not...
UK...soft touch. We need to be like Australia.
We know the majority of asylum seekers get approved
Because of the unlawful and deceitful way they enter the UK to then play the system. Rwanda is a deterrent, the illegals know that and have admitted it will be a deterrent to their unlawful act.
UK...soft touch. We need to be like Australia.

Seems they changed their policy with boats in 2013 before the increase shown above. The country accept quota - UNHR related. ;) May have the name incorrect.

Some more info here

Number seem to be lower than here or in Europe generally. Number relate to current level of trouble spots around in the world. Same applies to all countries they go to.
Because of the unlawful and deceitful way they enter the UK to then play the system. Rwanda is a deterrent, the illegals know that and have admitted it will be a deterrent to their unlawful act.
That'll be why boat crossings are at a record level then? :rolleyes:

And of course brexiteers can explain why immigration has hit record levels since supposedly 'taking control of our borders'? :LOL:
45,000+ people risking their lives to get to this country yet some who constantly run this country down professes to not being able to emigrate to their European country of choice. What’s the world coming to? Christ, that country must have a strict immigration requirement if they won’t take a free-thinking, do-gooding individual with a million pound investment pot who knocks out academics like there’s no tomorrow! I’d have thought they'd be crying out for people of that calibre. :unsure: Where on earth could it be? Monaco? Channel Islands? Switzerland?
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