Breaking News (Rwanda policy)

Because of the unlawful and deceitful way they enter the UK to then play the system. Rwanda is a deterrent, the illegals know that and have admitted it will be a deterrent to their unlawful act.
Since there isn't a safe and legal route for a lot of the people given asylum, that seems like nothing more than an excuse.
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45,000+ people risking their lives to get to this country yet some who constantly run this country down professes to not being able to emigrate to their European country of choice. What’s the world coming to? Christ, that country must have a strict immigration requirement if they won’t take a free-thinking, do-gooding individual with a million pound investment pot who knocks out academics like there’s no tomorrow! I’d have thought they'd be crying out for people of that calibre. :unsure: Where on earth could it be? Monaco? Channel Islands? Switzerland?
Another day another troll comment...

You ran the country down by voting brexit, but as always you prefer to blame others for your sheer stupidity...

And I guess it's pointless trying to point out how you and your ilk have limited the life choices of millions, probably because you are happy with your sad old isolated life...

You and cruella have something in common though...

You took advantage of what was on offer in the EU for decades, only to deny the same for following generations...

Cruella took advantage of the Erasmus education scheme, and living visa free in France...
Something which she then campaigned to deny others!
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:ROFLMAO::eek::mrgreen: The judge's ruling. Sounds like the 80 people who were intending to be sent have been selected. Processed maybe? The judge pointed out that 8 of them should be reconsidered.

Now that is a really interesting ruling. One for every batch? Able to appeal anyway. Legal for some but not for others?
Blimey they can be shipped off to Rwanda than

The Albanian entrepreneurs will love it out there
Have any of these migrants actually been sent to Rwanda yet? Though not. Will they ever get sent to Rwanda? Doubt it.

The real news is that they are being distributed around the country and put up in hotels to the horror of local residents. Are the Beeb and the other MSMs featuring that on their regular, prime time bulletins?

:ROFLMAO::eek::mrgreen: The judge's ruling. Sounds like the 80 people who were intending to be sent have been selected. Processed maybe? The judge pointed out that 8 of them should be reconsidered.

Now that is a really interesting ruling. One for every batch? Able to appeal anyway. Legal for some but not for others?
No, every single person was rejected. All of them.

The judges ruling made it clear that if the Government wants to do this they need to go through all the paperwork correctly and in detail.

So the idea that this is going to magically fix everything is still dead.
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So the idea that this is going to magically fix everything is still dead.

Also, I doubt the people smugglers will all of a sudden start being honest and tell their victims that deportation awaits as soon as they land in the UK.
The real news is that they are being distributed around the country and put up in hotels to the horror of local residents
What horror exactly?

I often see what I think are asylum seekers around my village, they seem to go out for a walk around and go into the village stores. Any interactions I’ve had, they have been very polite.

What sort of people do you think they are Andy?

Have you ever spoken to any?
They all have iPhone 14s with 5G and internet access, they can read the news. The proposed legal framework is lawful. The claims from the claimants are extremely weak.

- One claims he was Human Trafficked, because they made him carry the boat.
- Another had lived in Greece for 2 years (been granted refugee status), Germany for 6 months (applied again) and France a week, hardly travelling directly to the UK.

Full Judgement here:

Anyone who comes through a safe country can be rejected under the framework. In the case of the above, they have been referred for re-review and that is it.

Press summary here for the 5 minute lawyers

It would appear that the process now is:
- come via boat: Go to Rwanda or back to your safe country - do not pass go or collect £200
It would appear that the process now is:
- come via boat: Go to Rwanda or back to your safe country - do not pass go or collect £200

“The import of the High Court decision is that in respect of each removal to Rwanda under the policy, the Home Office has to apply the policy in a robust and reasoned manner to the individual circumstances of each case in each of the decisions to be made.

Otherwise the removal will be successfully appealed or reviewed.

But for page after page of this judgment there is a catalogue of Home Office errors in respect of each of the cases.

The impression one forms reading the judgment as a whole is that, with the resources and administrative competence available, the Home Office simply is not capable of making all the individual decisions so that many removals to Rwanda are likely.

For the legal issue with decisions which need to be made on individual circumstances is that each decision can be appealed or otherwise legally challenged according to those circumstances.

Or to put it another way: the government has legally saved its Rwandan removal policy at the expense of making the lawful implementation of that policy extraordinarily resource-intensive and financially expensive”


The job of the judge is to give both sides a good mauling so that justice is seen to be done. it is a valid objection on the basis of fairness that a person once in the removal window had very little time to prepare a defence. The others relate largely to admissibility out of time.

The KCs in the case regularly bat for both sides and seem to be making a fortune at the tax payers expense in doing so.
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