Brexit Benefits

Gold. We exported gold to get us there on that list. Is gold a natural resource in UK? Corrected for inflation, 'goods' exports have not increased since 2016.
Gold exports are usually not really "exports"

Some gold hidden away in the vaults of the Bank Of England stays in the same rack, but is labelled in the books "property of Elon Musk" or whoever has bought it. It subsequently stays in the same racks when he sells it. It might belong to Barclays Bank tomorrow and Fidelity the day after.

It might have been in the same rack for 50 or 100 years and changed ownership numerous times.

For this reason gold "exports" and "imports" are often noted as excluded from import/export figures. At times the values of transactions can be so high that they temporarily overwhelm real export and import values but are not part of any real export and import trends.
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The Brexit argument is a settled matter. Lots of opportunity for those willing to look.
Is brexit done then?

A settled matter? You are quite sure about that?

No more border controls etc yet to come into force ?

And the fact that no report has shown how brexit has made us better off sort of seals it.

Opportunities, we need them. Benefits, we need them.

Headlines and slogans, we dont
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Plenty of opportunities. Or you can moan about not being able to go on cycling holidays in France and look very stupid.

If leaving the EU isn’t a settled matter, please do tell me which political party with a chance of power is proposing to rejoin?
Plenty of opportunities. Or you can moan about not being able to go on cycling holidays in France and look very stupid.

If leaving the EU isn’t a settled matter, please do tell me which political party with a chance of power is proposing to rejoin?
So list those benefits that nobody is exploiting, all those unused opportunities that business are moving away from and not exporting.

Shame you don't understand about trying to work in the EU. Try taking some worktools with you. Lots and lots of examples available of how it's hindered and not helped.

Is leaving finished then ?
I work in the EU constantly.

I can live in the EU and maintain my U.K. residency easily.

I have exported goods to the EU VAT free.

I’m fairly certain I could organise a cycle holiday in france without any problems.
I work in the EU constantly.

I can live in the EU and maintain my U.K. residency easily.

I have exported goods to the EU VAT free.

I’m fairly certain I could organise a cycle holiday in france without any problems.
Which of those is a benefit you didn't have before Britain resigned from the EU?
In 2021 UK was the 7th largest exporter in the world.
In 2024 UK was the 4th largest exporter in the world.

However, Sephs popcorn and Mary Quickes cheese are struggling to cope with the additional paperwork.
Top export good is gold. I didn't know we had so many gold mines in UK. :ROFLMAO:
Plenty of opportunities

Brexit has yielded no opportunites that are worth what we lost.

Or you can moan about not being able to go on cycling holidays in France and look very stupid
Pathetic strawman.

I suggest you look at all the musicians that have lost work, all the fisherman that have lost sales, all the businesses that have moved into the EU, all the additional costs created by brexit red tape.

If leaving the EU isn’t a settled matter
Brexit is a settled matter: It is a disaster.

please do tell me which political party with a chance of power is proposing to rejoin?
Another pathetic strawman.

We can’t rejoin because there are still too many fick, dishonest gammons like you about
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