First point, I have not been 'caught out', I knew what I meant - if you wish to fill in the gaps to suit your narrative then that's up to you. I do not need to qualify anything to you, ever! That's such a 'Himmy' thing to say, thinking your lording it over someone and getting your rocks off doing so. Very sad man.PMSL....
Having been caught out, you now attempt to 'qualify' your ignorant remark!
The EU/Singapore deal was only signed a few months ago, and Dyson has just moved his HQ this year...
Surely even you realise the difference between moving production and moving your HQ to a country that has a trade agreement with the EU, don't you?
(or maybe not!)
You do realise that the UK doesn't have such an agreement lined up?
Joining up the dots isn't a speciality of yours, is it
And pointing out the hypocrisy isn't a 'brexit poop stick' - it's showing the reality of the madness that is brexit!
Feb 2017: https://www.global-counsel.co.uk/blog/will-britain-lose-dyson-singapore
This was already talked about. It wasn't rocket science to see what's coming next.
Dyson has been in Singapore (and Malaysia) for years. And yes, the deal was signed a few months ago and we heard all the bit about Brexit and him being a hypocrite then. Did we really need to suffer another rant from you the keyboard warrior?
By the way, he stopped manufacturing some of his products in the UK to save money nearly 20 years ago which you've not moaned about but I suppose that's of no interest to you because it was pre-brexit and you can't call him a hypocrite? Have you no concern about those people who lost their jobs back then? I think that's very shallow of you.
And while I am on links, why not read things he IS doing in the UK? I don't hear anything like that from you, I wonder why...
Or about the degree in engineering (no fees, with salary) that he runs?
He's always said it's nothing to do with Brexit, a fact that people can't grasp and don't wish to believe. It's up to him where he goes, it's his company - if you don't like it, boycott the products. These attempts by people to use anything and everything as some sort of point scoring with brexit. Brexit happened. I don't like it, but it's the will of the people.
As I said it's all boring.
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