bring back branding for extreme crimanls..let everyone know

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pickles wrote,
In the Uk there are about 5 child abductions and murders every year and that has been constant for very many years, If you think about it , you hear about 1 or 2 cases a year on average in the media and only the worst ones get into the news, Huntley etc, they are not all reported. Most abuse takes place in the family, not by strangers and is difficult to detect, branding the parent of an abused child doesn't solve anything it just adds to the stigma the family go's through, its a completely silly idea that no one has thought through properly
I find these figures on abductions being constant at 5 a year a bit hard to believe. Do you mean 5 a year which suffered BOTH crimes at the same time?
I've just dome a quick google and found this about child abductions.
The offence of child abduction is part of the 'Violence Against the Person' category of police recorded crime. It is only a small proportion of the total category offences (just 0.1% in 2002/03). Yet the total child abduction offence numbers police recorded increased by 45% in 2002/03 from the previous year, to 846 offences. This Research and Development Statistics Directorate (RDS) publication examines the main types of offence that make up the total number of recorded child abductions across England and Wales in 2002/03. Reasons why these offences may have increased so dramatically are also discussed.
More available here.
DIYtiler said:
A tatoo isn't violence
It is. It involves piercing the skin. Only if consent is given, i.e. by an adult visiting a tattooist, does it not contravene the Offences Against the Person Act.

If you tattoo somebody without their consent you are guilty of ABH, contrary to Section 47 of the act, or wounding, contrary to Section 20.

So if it were legalised as an act visited on sex offenders, it would not be illegal, but it would still be violence, in the same way that an execution is still a killing,

You talk about Just BBC stats. What about the whole world.
Which part of the whole world is the BBC?
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mlb3c said:
If I offenders and paedofiles must register with the state that they live in after being released from prison and this is public information-you can see who is living next door to you. It does not prevent the first time...but it can greatly decrease the next time.


paulbrown said:
pickles wrote,
In the Uk there are about 5 child abductions and murders every year and that has been constant for very many years, If you think about it , you hear about 1 or 2 cases a year on average in the media and only the worst ones get into the news, Huntley etc, they are not all reported. Most abuse takes place in the family, not by strangers and is difficult to detect, branding the parent of an abused child doesn't solve anything it just adds to the stigma the family go's through, its a completely silly idea that no one has thought through properly
I find these figures on abductions being constant at 5 a year a bit hard to believe. Do you mean 5 a year which suffered BOTH crimes at the same time?
I've just dome a quick google and found this about child abductions.
The offence of child abduction is part of the 'Violence Against the Person' category of police recorded crime. It is only a small proportion of the total category offences (just 0.1% in 2002/03). Yet the total child abduction offence numbers police recorded increased by 45% in 2002/03 from the previous year, to 846 offences. This Research and Development Statistics Directorate (RDS) publication examines the main types of offence that make up the total number of recorded child abductions across England and Wales in 2002/03. Reasons why these offences may have increased so dramatically are also discussed.
More available here.[/QUOTE]

Bravo Paul Brown. Some that does research...... Thank you... I agree that you can't prevent the first crime. I agree that posting where they live is a help. But, they still recommit the crime Period....90% of child sex crime offenders repeat over and over...
Winstonchurchill said:
hermes said:
How many children are being molested? How common is this sort of act? I think it is extremely rare,

This link appears to highlight the extent of the problem in this Country[/QUOTE]

'Child abductions by strangers that were actually successful, rather than attempts, accounted for 9% of all offences recorded (a total of 68 victims in 2002/03).'

More common than I would have thought. Interesting reading.
paulbrown said:
pickles wrote,
In the Uk there are about 5 child abductions and murders every year and that has been constant for very many years, If you think about it , you hear about 1 or 2 cases a year on average in the media and only the worst ones get into the news, Huntley etc, they are not all reported. Most abuse takes place in the family, not by strangers and is difficult to detect, branding the parent of an abused child doesn't solve anything it just adds to the stigma the family go's through, its a completely silly idea that no one has thought through properly
I find these figures on abductions being constant at 5 a year a bit hard to believe. Do you mean 5 a year which suffered BOTH crimes at the same time?
I've just dome a quick google and found this about child abductions.
The offence of child abduction is part of the 'Violence Against the Person' category of police recorded crime. It is only a small proportion of the total category offences (just 0.1% in 2002/03). Yet the total child abduction offence numbers police recorded increased by 45% in 2002/03 from the previous year, to 846 offences. This Research and Development Statistics Directorate (RDS) publication examines the main types of offence that make up the total number of recorded child abductions across England and Wales in 2002/03. Reasons why these offences may have increased so dramatically are also discussed.
More available here.[/QUOTE]

The childline site is talking about child abuse in a more general sense ie it includes non sexual assault. I think in this thread we are talking about sexual abuse and the thing people are trying to say is that something will be gained by branding or tatooing perpetrators

Sexual abuse of children is overwhelmingly in the family, as the childline site says 95% of children know their attacker. The image of the lone predator is not an accurate one, most of these people are in most respects unremarkable and their relationship with their victim far more complex than the stereotypical abuser who lives alone and hunts children like some kind of feral animal. the number of abductions that end in murder is very small but it is these cases that generate most of the heat and light about the issue. Think about it. How often is there a Soham type case. The fact is they don't happen very often. it's their rarity that makes them remarkable

Such people do exist there is no doubt about that but they do not represent anything more than a minority of the people who commit abuse

People in this thread talk about branding or tattooing them but look who is likely to end up like this, brothers sisters grandparents, fathers, uncles and aunts. Where will this get the family. EVERYONE in the family is a victim of abuse. It is our responsibility to give them every opportunity to get over it and cope without permanently marking someone as a reminder because we wan't retribution, or on the basis that this will somehow stop them attacking someone else. The threat they pose is to their family not strangers

The family suffer the stigma of abuse and all the publicity it brings and then the perpetrator is publicly branded or tatooed, it's shameful enough for the family without someone being permanently marked to remind them. How can they move on from this. What about the grandmother who has to try to live with the consequences of the grandfathers actions. Supposing a child chooses to forgive an abusing father what right do's society have to interfer in that process by branding or marking the father permanently. Peoples reactions would be predictable and violent, what use would it be to an abused child when their father is beaten to death by an angry mob. There was a case about 5 years ago where a 14 year old died after a petrol bomb was thrown through the window when her father was convicted. It is just complete rubbish. No one in this thread has thought the consequences of this through from the victims point of view at all.

What is needed is exactly what we have got, a list of people who are offenders who can't work with children and whose behaviour and wherabouts is monitored. Clearly some kind of system needs to be put in place so that previous offending is tracked so that no more Huntleys get a job as school caretaker, but the bad news people is that you will have to pay for this from your TAX yes that's right the thing you think you pay to much of, so if you all care so much be prepared to put your hands in your pockets for something that will actually work
come on tell me where i can get that info on where the peados live

i can promise you NEWS HEADLINES as i will make sure everyone near them get to know about it :evil:
It's printed in the local paper every night. Go get 'em.
Slogger said:
i can promise you NEWS HEADLINES as i will make sure everyone near them get to know about it :evil:
But can you promise that the mob of baying, drooling knuckle draggers won't attack a paediatrician because they are so thick that they don't know the difference, as happened in Paulsgrove?
pickles wrote,
Clearly some kind of system needs to be put in place so that previous offending is tracked so that no more Huntleys get a job as school caretaker, but the bad news people is that you will have to pay for this from your TAX yes that's right the thing you think you pay to much of, so if you all care so much be prepared to put your hands in your pockets for something that will actually work
The systems are already in place, they are often being poorly administered though. Simply throwing more money at an issue may make no difference. In case after case the guilty parties or the victims were already known to the authorities, yet the system failed. After most serious cases (which are brought to the public attention) we are usually promised the inevitable inquiry into what went wrong. More often than not we never find out the results though. One thing that is certain you rarely hear of anyone getting the sack for their incompetence. ;)

Personally I believe that the current trend towards qualifications etc, to be a part of the problem. In many instances the staff concerned appear very young and may have little life experience themselves. I would imagine in many cases middle aged women and mothers would smell a rat far quicker than young graduates would. ;)

btw, Social Services are mainly funded by council tax, and that does go up every year, at much more than inflation too.
cant find that info at all

where are all these peadotrician hiding the barstweard :p ill have them all
every newspaper has a guy who is permantly on reporting on court cases ,this was a law til the 60s ,where ALL criminals were named an shamed ,years ago it was the town crier who went around telling everyone ..who was bad ...

nowadays in certain cases the identity can not be disclosed too the newspapers ..
say a convicted rapist is known to the victim, an uncle ....his name is with held ....

NAME AND SHAME DOESNT WORK BAS said above it gets the yobs out
Lets put it another way .....
you have been out around the Big Market flashing/touching up the drunk lasses again , you are arrested
you go too court an get a prison term ...
Off you go..
next night yobs come an pour petrol through your mothers letterbox ,burning her to death ...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IS THAT JUSTICE ??????????????
no its not

i prefer the personal hands on approach less chance of a mistake :LOL:
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